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The Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support in the Relation between Type D Personality and PTSD Symptoms among ICU and ER Nurses
Sohyeon Kim, Myung-Ho Hyun
STRESS. 2023;31(4):197-204.   Published online December 28, 2023
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This study examined the moderating effects of four types of perceived social support on the relation between type D personality and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among ICU and ER nurses.
Data were collected from 223 ICU and ER nurses in university or general hospitals located in Seoul. A questionnaire survey method was used for data collection and SPSS Windows 28.0 and PROCESS Macro Program were used for data analysis.
The results showed that only the moderating effect of senior support was statistically significant, while perceived support from family, friends, and coworkers were not. Specifically, the effect of type D personality on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms was weaker in ICU and ER nurses who perceived higher social support from senior nurses.
The study highlighted the significance of senior support in protecting the psychological health of ICU and ER nurses. Additionally, it addressed the major considerations in developing practical interventions in hospital settings.
The Double-Mediating Effect of Interpersonal Competence and Social Support on the Relationship between ADHD Traits and Depression in Early Adulthood
Jae Sun An
STRESS. 2023;31(1):44-50.   Published online March 31, 2023
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This study aims to analyze the relationship between interpersonal competence, social support, ADHD traits, and depression in early adulthood, and by using the double-mediation model, to examine the effect of the first two variables on the last two.
The participants comprised 146 male and 155 female adults aged between 19 and 34, from whom data was collected through the Korean version of the WHO Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale, interpersonal competence and depression subscales of the mental health test developed by Suh et al., and social support scale developed by Iverson et al.
The results showed that adult ADHD traits were negatively correlated with interpersonal competence and social support, and positively correlated with depression. In addition, interpersonal competence was positively correlated with social support and negatively correlated with depression, whereas social support was negatively correlated with depression. Finally, interpersonal competence and social support sequentially mediated adult ADHD traits and depression.
This sequential double-mediating effect is of great academic significance and suggests that improving interpersonal competence and social support may be effective in mitigating the negative effect of ADHD traits on depression in early adulthood.
Factors Influencing Soldiers’ Smartphone Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Focusing on COVID-19 Stress and Social Support
Soo Mi Jang, Hee Yeon Lee, Ji Hyeong Jeong
STRESS. 2022;30(1):7-14.   Published online March 31, 2022
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This study aimed to investigate the influence of COVID-19 stress on the level of smartphone use among soldiers. In addition, it explores the potential moderating effect of social support as a protective factor.
We collected responses from 205 soldiers serving in one military division in Chungcheongbuk-do using cross-sectional online and offline surveys. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations, and hierarchical regression analysis using the SPSS 27.0 program.
Controlling for covariates, COVID-19 stress and social support were significant factors influencing the level of smartphone use. The analysis did not identify a moderating effect of social support on the relationship between pandemic stress and smartphone use.
Our study results could help military and mental health organizations intervene in problematic smartphone use by creating programs for soldiers at high risk for COVID-19 stress.
Factors Affecting Smartphone Overdependence among Older Adults
Ji-Eun Park, Nayoon Lee
STRESS. 2022;30(1):37-44.   Published online March 31, 2022
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This study aimed to identify the factors affecting smartphone overdependence among older adults.
A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 179 older adults using smartphones in B metropolitan city. A multiple regression analysis was performed to identify the effect of physical activity, social support, and depression on smartphone overdependence.
Factors that affect smartphone overdependence among the participants were as follows: (a) purpose of using smartphone (β=.23, p=.001), (b) age (β=.23, p=.002), (c) smartphone use time (β=.20, p=.004), (d) educational level (β=−.15, p=.027), and (e) social support (β=−.14, p=.048). The model explained for 19.0% (F=9.30, p<.001).
The findings of this study can be used as evidence to develop intervention programs and policy measures to prevent and manage smartphone overdependence, which has negative effects on the physical and mental health of older adults.
The Effects of Stress Experienced in the Prolonged COVID-19 Situation on Psychological Distress: The Moderating Effect of Social Support
Sora Jeon, Hoyoung Kim
STRESS. 2021;29(4):207-219.   Published online December 31, 2021
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  • Factors Affecting Well-Being in Korean Young Adults Facing Material Deprivation: Testing the Reserve Capacity Model
    Hye Seung Choi, Hyunjoo Na
    Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services.2024; 62(3): 29.     CrossRef
  • The Korean Version of Pandemic Stress Questionnaire: Validation in Korean Population
    Sori Park, Sang-Cheol Choi, Chan-Mo Yang, Seung-Ho Jang, Sang-Yeol Lee
    Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience.2023; 21(2): 377.     CrossRef
  • A Structural Equation Model for Posttraumatic Growth among Cured Patients with COVID-19
    Soo Young An, Heejung Choi
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2023; 53(3): 309.     CrossRef
Effects of Social Support, Pregnancy Stress, and Anxiety on Health-Related Quality of Life in Pregnant Women
Hyun Jung Kim, Hee Sun Kang
STRESS. 2021;29(2):140-148.   Published online June 30, 2021
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The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships between social support, pregnancy stress, and anxiety of pregnant women and to determine their effect on health-related quality of life.


A total of 202 pregnant women participated in this study. The collected data were analyzed by the frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation, independent t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis using the STATA/IC 15.1 program.


As a result of this study, the major factors affecting the health-related quality of life of pregnant women were identified as anxiety, educational level, social support, and marital satisfaction. Social support has a positive effect on the health-related quality of life of pregnant women (β=0.27, p< .001), but anxiety had a negative effect (β=−0.56, p<.001).


When planning nursing interventions to improve the health-related quality of life of pregnant women, strategies for lowering the anxiety and improving the social support of pregnant women should be considered.


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  • Are the effects of stress on antenatal depression mediated by self-esteem and moderated by social support?: a cross-sectional study
    Eunjoo Lee
    Women's Health Nursing.2024; 30(4): 299.     CrossRef
  • Health-related quality of life of migrant workers: a systematic literature review
    Hyun-Jin Cho, Kyoungrim Kang, Kyo-Yeon Park
    BMC Public Health.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Spouse’s Aromatherapy Hand Massage on Fatigue, Stress, and a Couple’s Relationship in Pregnant Women
    Hyang Mi Jung, Eun Jung Oh, Hyun Chul Sung, Myungja Kim
    Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health.2022; 26(1): 35.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Fetal Attachment and Pregnancy Stress on Health Promotion Behavior in Primigravida
    Soo Rueng Yeo, So Young Choi
    Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health.2022; 26(4): 270.     CrossRef
  • The Influencing Factors on Health-Related Quality of Life in Childbearing Women Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2019 Data
    Jeongim Lee
    Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health.2021; 25(4): 282.     CrossRef
Influences of Workplace Violence on Depression among Nurses: The Mediating Effect of Social Support
Eun-Mi Seol, Soohyun Nam
STRESS. 2021;29(1):37-44.   Published online March 31, 2021
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of social support and its relationship between workplace violence and depression in nurses.


This was a cross-sectional descriptive study that included 128 registered nurses who had worked at medical institutions, except those who experienced depression without workplace violence in Korea. The data were collected between July and August 2020 using online surveys. The mediating effect was performed using multiple hierarchical regression.


The rate of workplace violence was 82.8% (n=106). According to the type of workplace violence, the rates of verbal violence, physical threat, and physical violence were 79.7%, 67.2%, and 33.6%, respectively. A positive correlation between workplace violence and depression was found (r=.30, p<.001), whereas social support showed negative correlations with workplace violence (r=−.18, p=.045) and depression (r=−.26, p=003). This study found a partial mediating effect between workplace violence and depression.


It is important to develop strategies to improve the social support of nurses who experienced workplace violence and effectively prevent and manage depression.

Impact of Instability in Emotional Support Discrepancy from Significant Others on Daily Functioning in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) : A Diary Study
Hyunkyung Yoo, Taejin Jeong, Sungkun Cho
STRESS. 2020;28(4):276-284.   Published online December 31, 2020
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Daily functioning is an important aspect of chronic pain management, particularly for individuals living with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Previous studies have established that emotional support from significant others is beneficial for chronic pain patients. However, emotional support can be discrepant from one’s preference and can also fluctuate. Thus, the present study investigates the role of instability in emotional support discrepancy on the daily functioning of patients with CRPS.


Participants consisted of 21 CRPS patients. Google Forms was used to obtain daily diary ratings over 15 days.The mean square of successive differences was calculated as an indicator of instability of emotional support discrepancy. Statistical analysis was conducted using hierarchical linear modeling.


Hierarchical linear modeling reveals that the moderating effect of instability in emotional support discrepancy on the relationship between daily pain severity daily activity avoidance (coefficient=0.01, t (292)=5.57, p<.001), activity interference (coefficient=0.01, t (292)=5.98, p<.001), distraction (coefficient=0.01, t (292)=5.10, p= .007) was statistically significant.


The results of this study suggest that instability in emotional support discrepancy reduces the buffering effect of emotional support.


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  • Validation of Types of Body Pain Areas and Related Factors in the Korean Aged Using Latent Class Analysis
    Sang Ye Shin, Eun Suk Lee
    Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2023; 34: 22.     CrossRef
A Validation Study of the Korean Version of the Contextual Illness Support Scale
Dong Hee Jeong, Bong-Jin Hahm, Yeong Wook Song, Eun-Jung Shim
STRESS. 2020;28(4):269-275.   Published online December 31, 2020
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Although social support for patients with chronic illnesses buffers the detrimental impacts of stress, if it is not provided appropriately, it can be a source of stress. This study examined the psychometric properties of the Korean version of the Contextual Illness Support Scale (K-CISS) for patients with rheumatoid disease.


A cross-sectional survey containing measures on social support, depression, anxiety, and quality of life was conducted with patients with rheumatoid disease (N=323).


The construct validity was supported by the results of the exploratory structural equation modeling, confirming the original two-factor model (positive and problematic support) and significant correlations between these two factors and health-related variables (i.e., depression, anxiety, and quality of life). The concurrent validity was supported by the significant positive correlation between positive and social support that was measured by the Korean version of the DUKE-UNC functional social support questionnaire. The internal consistency of the K-CISS was satisfactory, with Cronbach’s α values of .96 and .72 for the subscales.


These results suggest that K-CISS is a reliable and valid measure of two aspects of social support.


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  • Is fear of disease progression associated with antiretroviral therapy adherence in persons with HIV/AIDS?
    Chan-Woo Yeom, Hyeju Ha, Bong-Jin Hahm, Sun Hee Lee, Nam Joong Kim, Eun-Jung Shim
    Journal of Health Psychology.2024; 29(9): 976.     CrossRef
Emotional Labor and its Related Factors in Nurses in the Outpatient Department
Eun-Jeong Ma, Kuemsun Han
STRESS. 2020;28(3):160-166.   Published online September 30, 2020
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본 연구는 외래근무 간호사의 감정노동과 관련요인의 관계를 규명하기 위한 서술적 상관관계연구이다. 대상자는 서울, 경기 지역 대학병원에서 근무하는 외래간호사 236명으로 하였으며, 감정노동과 관련요인(직무자율성, 사회적 지지, 자아존중감, 감성지능, 정서상태, 지각된 감정요구)에 대한 척도를 사용하였다. 지각된 감정 요구도가 높을수록 감정노동 정도가 높고, 직무자율성, 자아존중감이 높을수록 감정노동 정도가 낮게 나타났다. 감정노동 설명 요인을 확인하기 위한 다중회귀분석 결과, 자아존중감과 지각된 감정요구는 감정노동을 30.9% 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 간호관리자와 병원경영자는 외래근무 간호사의 감정노동과 관련요인의 부정적 효과를 최소화하고, 감정노동을 감소시키기 위한 교육프로그램 개발이 요구된다.


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  • Relationship between Emotional Labor Behaviors and Professionalism Levels in Nursing Students: A Case Study From The Faculty of Health Sciences and A Vocational School of Health
    Ayşe KARADAŞ, Songül DURAN, Serap KAYNAK
    Balıkesır Health Sciences Journal.2021; 10(3): 302.     CrossRef
  • The Moderating Effects of Self-esteem and Ego-resilience on the Relationship between Emotional Labor, Depressive Symptom, and Job Satisfaction in Nurses
    Taeyoun Kim, Kuem Sun Han
    Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2021; 30(3): 209.     CrossRef
  • The Experience of Emotional Labor and Its Related Factors among Nurses in General Hospital Settings in Republic of Korea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Da-Jung Ha, Jung-Hyun Park, Su-Eun Jung, Boram Lee, Myo-Sung Kim, Kyo-Lin Sim, Yung-Hyun Choi, Chan-Young Kwon
    Sustainability.2021; 13(21): 11634.     CrossRef
The Influence of the Emotional Labor, Professional Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy & Social Support of Emergency Room Nurse’s Burnout
Miro Kim, Eunju Seo, Sung Hee Shin
STRESS. 2019;27(4):404-411.   Published online December 31, 2019
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of emotional labor, professional self-concept, self-efficiency and social support on burnout of emergency room nurses by verifying the level of burnout of them. Through this, we will reduce the turnover and secure professional manpower and they will provide basic data on efficient manpower management.


The subjects of this study were 130 emergency room nurses of eight hospitals in Seoul. The collected datas were analyzed by the SPSS Version 24.0 program using the percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.


The level of emotional labor of emergency room nurses was higher than that of other nurses. Professional self-concept, self-efficiency and social support have a negative correlation with burnout and there is a positive correlation between professional self-concept, self-efficiency and social support. The major factors influencing burnout were professional self-concept, which was a significant negative influence factor, emotional labor was a significant positive influence and self-efficiency showed a significant negative influence factor.


To reduce the burnout of emergency room nurses, an emotional management program, positive self-concept formation for emergency room nurses are needed. In addition, it is necessary to develop and apply a variety of intervention programs to build policy for long- term working nurse and social support systems.


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  • Professional Self-Concept, Job Stress, and Triage Competency Among Emergency Nurses: Secondary Data Analysis of a Cross-Sectional Survey
    You-Jin Cho, Young-Ran Han, Yeo-Won Jeong
    Journal of Emergency Nursing.2022; 48(3): 288.     CrossRef
  • Relationships between Violence Experience, Resilience, and the Nursing Performance of Emergency Room Nurses in South Korea
    Sarang Kim, Minkyung Gu, Sohyune Sok
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(5): 2617.     CrossRef
  • Psychometric Properties of the Korean Version of the Nursing Profession Self-Efficacy Scale
    Seon Mi KIM, Ju Hee KIM, Jung Min KWAK
    Journal of Nursing Research.2022; 30(2): e197.     CrossRef
  • Effects on Triage Competency Based on Nursing Task Performance and Self-Efficacy of Nurses in Regional Emergency Medical Institutions
    Su Jin Kim, Su Ol Kim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2022; 34(3): 304.     CrossRef
  • Perception of Clinical Ladder System, Professional Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, and Organizational Commitment by the Level of Clinical ladder among Intensive Care Unit Nurses
    Ji Hyun Lee, Su Jung Choi
    Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing.2022; 15(3): 51.     CrossRef
  • Examining Emotional Labor in COVID-19 through the Lens of Self-Efficacy
    Lixia Yao, Jie Gao
    Sustainability.2021; 13(24): 13674.     CrossRef
  • The Experience of Emotional Labor and Its Related Factors among Nurses in General Hospital Settings in Republic of Korea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Da-Jung Ha, Jung-Hyun Park, Su-Eun Jung, Boram Lee, Myo-Sung Kim, Kyo-Lin Sim, Yung-Hyun Choi, Chan-Young Kwon
    Sustainability.2021; 13(21): 11634.     CrossRef
  • Effects of exposure to endocrine disruptors, burnout, and social support from peers on premenstrual syndrome in nurses
    Hye Young Chang, SoMi Park
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2020; 26(2): 171.     CrossRef
The Effect of Emotional Labor, Job Stress and Social Support on Nurses’ Job Satisfaction
Seung Young Lee, Duck Ho Kim
STRESS. 2019;27(3):215-223.   Published online September 30, 2019
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This study was a descriptive survey research on nurse’s job satisfaction to identify the effects of emotional labor, job stress, social support.


The participants were 177 shift nurses working at three general hospital. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression with SPSS 22.0.


Job satisfaction of nurses was positively correlated with deep acting of emotional labor and social support, while job satisfaction and job stress were negatively correlated. Social support was positively correlated with deep acting of emotional labor. And job stress had a positive correlation with the surface acting of emotional labor. The most important factor affecting nurse’s job satisfaction was deep acting of emotional labor (β=.446), social support (β=.326), job stress (β=−.198), and age (β=.161), which together explained there job satisfaction up to 42.5% (F=22.690, p<.001).


Through this study result, we found the factors influencing nurse’s job satisfaction were such as deep acting of emotional labor, social support, job stress, and age, among which the deep acting was the most influential factor. The results of this study reveals that an operation of educational program relating to the deep acting is needed for improving the nurse’s job satisfaction. And social support is also required highly, such as the active communication programs for cooperation of nurses and the providing resources necessary for work. In addition, a special program coping the stress intensification should be operated to reduce job stress.


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  • Influence of Work Environment, Missed Nursing Care, and Non-Nursing Tasks of Hospital Nurses on Job Stress
    Ji Yeong Park, Kyoung Ja Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2024; 30(3): 246.     CrossRef
  • Assessing the Impact of Job Demand, Surface Acting, and Workplace Social Support on Social workers’ Job Satisfaction
    Yoewon Yoon, Soomin Shin, Seonwoo Lee
    Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance.2024; : 1.     CrossRef
  • The association between health status and job satisfaction among female workers: A nationwide cross‐sectional study
    Sung‐Heui Bae
    Nursing & Health Sciences.2021; 23(4): 908.     CrossRef
  • The Mediating Effect of Perceived Appraisal Support on the Relationship between Neuroticism and Occupational Stress in Firefighters
    Yoonjung Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2021; 32(3): 396.     CrossRef
  • The Experience of Emotional Labor and Its Related Factors among Nurses in General Hospital Settings in Republic of Korea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Da-Jung Ha, Jung-Hyun Park, Su-Eun Jung, Boram Lee, Myo-Sung Kim, Kyo-Lin Sim, Yung-Hyun Choi, Chan-Young Kwon
    Sustainability.2021; 13(21): 11634.     CrossRef
Social Support Moderates the Impact of Pain-Related Threat on Avoidance Behavior
Ubin Yi, Sungkun Cho
STRESS. 2019;27(1):125-131.   Published online March 31, 2019
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According to the fear-avoidance model, pain becomes chronic when it is related to fear and avoidance behavior. When a pain-related threat occurs, humans instinctively use avoidance behavior strategies. However, the support of significant others is likely to inhibit avoidance behavior even with the same pain-related threat stimulus. Thus, in this study, we examined the effects of pain-related threats and social support of romantic partner on avoidance behavior inhibition.


Participants consisted of 80 pairs of healthy undergraduate couples, and were randomly assigned to one of four group conditions in a 2×2 factorial design, with threat level (high/low) and social support (presence/absence) as factors.


The results of the experiment indicated a significant interaction between threat level and social support. Specifically, in the high-threat condition, when social support was provided, task delay time was significantly shorter than when no social support was provided. On the other hand, in the low-threat condition, the time delay difference between high- and low- social support group was not significant. Moreover, social support did not affect fear reduction.


These results indicate that avoidance behaviors, which are instinctive responses to pain, can be inhibited by social support. This result would enhance understanding of the factors that have not been described in the fear-avoidance model in the pain-chronicization process, and will help expand and improve the model. We also discuss possible limitations of the study and scope for further studies.

The Effect of Call Center Consultant ’s Emotional Labor on Burnout: The Moderating Effect of Resilience and Social Support
Hayoung Park, Jungkyu Kim
STRESS. 2018;26(4):340-349.   Published online December 31, 2018
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The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of resilience and social support to analyze that call center consultants’ emotional labor impacts on the burnout.


A survey questionnaire was conducted to people who work at call center in Gwangju and Deagu. The data from 444 were analyzed.


The result from the hierarchical multiple regression is as follows. First, deep acting decreased burnout, but surface acting of emotional labor increased burnout. Also, frequency of emotion display, variety of emotion required to be expressed and attentiveness to required display rules increased burnout. Second, Resilience had moderating effect between deep acting and burnout. Third, the moderate effect of interaction of social support from leader with surface action was found at burnout. Also, moderating effect of social support from leader were shown in frequency of emotion display with burnout and attentiveness to required display rules with burnout. Fourth, social support from colleague did not have buffering effect on emotional labor and burnout.


It is expected that the moderator variables identified in this study can be used for prevention and treatment of burnout caused by emotional labor.

Influences of Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Social Support on Social Anxiety amongNursing Students
Ok-Hee Cho, Young-Hee Kim
STRESS. 2018;26(1):25-31.   Published online March 31, 2018
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This study was a descriptive research study conducted to investigate the influences of cognitive emotion regulation and social support on social anxiety among nursing students.


The participants were 672 nursing department students at a university. The participants were surveyed using structured questionnaires for cognitive emotion regulation, social support, and social anxiety from March to May 2017.


The results showed that the absence of social conflict, rumination of cognitive emotion regulation, and social support were found to affect social anxiety; these variables predicted the social anxiety of nursing students by 27%. The social anxiety of nursing students also varied according to religion, satisfaction with their nursing major, and academic achievement. There was a positive correlation between cognitive emotion regulation and social anxiety, but a negative correlation between social support and social anxiety.


This study was significant in demonstrating that cognitive emotion regulation and social support of nursing students are verified factors affecting social anxiety. It is necessary to consider cognitive emotion regulation and social support when developing an intervention program to reduce social anxiety in nursing students.