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Volume 32(1); March 2024
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Original Articles
Effect of Daily Stress on School Adjustment among Children at Community Child Centers: Mediating Roles of Inattention and Social Withdrawal
RaeHyuck Lee
STRESS. 2024;32(1):1-8.   Published online March 28, 2024
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This study verifies the influence of daily stress on school adjustment through inattention and social withdrawal among children at community child centers.
Analyses were performed on data collected from the Child Panel Survey of the Community Child Centers, followed by a series of regression analyses.
First, daily stress had a negative and significant influence on school adjustment. Second, both inattention and social withdrawal among children mediated the influence of daily stress on school adjustment. Finally, the influence of daily stress on school adjustment was serially dual-mediated through inattention and social withdrawal.
This study presents evidence-based strategies that could help the school adjustment of children at community child centers.


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  • A Phenomenological Study on Breast Cancer Survivors' Experiences of Mind Subtraction Meditation
    Mi Ra Yun
    Asian Oncology Nursing.2016; 16(3): 158.     CrossRef
Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Depression in Youths in the Transition to Independent Living: The Mediating Effect of Disconnection-Rejection Schemas Moderated by Out-of-Home Care Types
Shin Young Park, Myoung-Ho Hyun, Min Jin Jin
STRESS. 2024;32(1):9-18.   Published online March 28, 2024
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This study explored the relationship between childhood trauma, disconnection-rejection schemas, and depression among youths in the transition to independent living. Additionally, this study examined whether the impact of childhood trauma on depression, mediated by disconnection-rejection schemas, was moderated by the type of out-of-home care (residential care centers, group homes, and foster homes).
A survey questionnaire measuring childhood trauma, disconnection-rejection schemas, and depression was administered to 201 participants.
Mistrust-abuse and defectiveness-shame schemas mediated the relationship between childhood trauma and depression. In all types of out-of-home care, both the mistrust-abuse and defectiveness-shame schemas mediated the relationship between childhood trauma and depression. There were no significant differences in mediating effects based on the type of out-of-home care.
The findings of this study can be applied to the treatment of depression during the transition to independent living in individuals who have experienced childhood trauma.
Relationship between Mindfulness and Stress Response in High School Students: Mediating Effect of Self-Regulation Ability
Yoonjung Choi, Mihee Lee, Jeongik Choi
STRESS. 2024;32(1):19-28.   Published online March 28, 2024
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This study explored the applicability of mindfulness meditation as an intervention approach in school counseling for managing daily stress in high school students. The study investigated the mediating effect of self-regulation ability on the relationship between mindfulness and stress response.
Data from 244 high school students (119 men and 125 women) were used to examine the mediating effect, controlling for academic variables using Hayes’ (2013) Process Macro Model 4.
There was a positive correlation between mindfulness and self-regulation abilities, and mindfulness and self-regulation abilities were negatively correlated with stress response. Moreover, for students who perceived higher academic achievement levels, self-regulation abilities were positively correlated, and stress response were negatively correlated. Results showed a full mediating effect of self-regulation ability on the adverse relationship between mindfulness and stress response. The mediating effects of self-regulation modes were differentially observed in the adverse relationship between mindful consciousness and attitude dimensions of stress response.
These findings suggest that when applying mindfulness meditation as a daily stress management strategy for high school students, enhancing their self-regulation ability should be the focus of intervention.
The Relationship between Level of Therapist Support and Efficacy and Adherence in Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Disordered Eating Behaviors
Seyeom Kim, Eun-Jung Shim
STRESS. 2024;32(1):29-37.   Published online March 28, 2024
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Therapist support is an important intervention design factor in internet-delivered psychotherapy. However, the relationship between therapist support and intervention outcomes is not well established. This study examined the relationship between therapist support, efficacy, and adherence to Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT) for disordered eating behaviors.
Thirty-six women with disordered eating behaviors were recruited and randomly assigned to three groups: low, medium, and high levels of therapist support. The participants received eight sessions of I-CBT, twice a week, with varying levels of therapist support.
While all three groups showed a reduction in eating disorder risk factors (i.e., body image disturbance, disordered eating behaviors, depression, and anxiety), there were no significant differences in these improvements by therapist support level. However, there were significant differences in intervention completion rates by therapist support level, with higher levels of support associated with increased intervention completion rates.
Therapist support can potentially improve adherence to internet-based interventions.
Effect of Cognitive Processing Style on Attentional Blink during Analogue Trauma
Ye Ji Son, Yun-Kyeung Choi
STRESS. 2024;32(1):38-45.   Published online March 28, 2024
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This study attempted to examine the impact of each cognitive processing style (bottom-up, top-down) on attention patterns following a traumatic experience by measuring attentional blink (AB).
Participants were 37 university students with no direct experience of traffic accidents. They were randomly assigned to either a single-task (bottom-up processing) group or a dual-task (top-down processing) group, who performed the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) after watching an analogue trauma video. The correct response rate to target stimuli was then compared between groups based on stimulus type and stimulus presentation interval.
In the dual-task group, no significant differences were found. However, in the single-task group, a trend towards a decrease in the correct response rate to the target stimulus was observed 200 ms after the presentation of the traumatic stimulus (i.e., AB).
This tendency can be explained by the phenomenon of automatic attentional capture by traumatic stimuli, suggesting a relationship between bottom-up processing and attentional bias.
Association between Suicidal Ideation and Blood Cadmium Levels Based on the 3rd to 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys
Sunmi Kim
STRESS. 2024;32(1):46-52.   Published online March 28, 2024
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This study aimed to determine the association between blood cadmium levels and suicidal ideation.
Using data from the 3rd to 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, the geometric mean of blood cadmium levels according to suicidal ideation was compared using multiple linear regression analyses in male and female adults. The frequency of suicidal ideation according to the blood cadmium levels was also compared using multiple logistic regression models.
In total, 6,877 men and 6,698 women were included in the study. When adjusting for all potential confounding factors, the geometric mean of blood cadmium levels was significantly higher in participants with suicidal ideation than in those without suicidal ideation in both men (0.92 ng/ml [95% confidence interval 0.87∼0.97 ng/ml] vs. 0.86 ng/ml [0.84∼0.88 ng/ml]; p=.026) and women (1.05 ng/ml [95% confidence interval 1.01∼1.10 ng/ml] vs. 0.99 ng/ml [0.98∼1.02 ng/ml]; p=.006). After adjusting for potential confounders, the frequency of suicidal ideation significantly increased as blood cadmium levels increased in men (p for trend=.014) and women (p for trend=.034).
Results revealed an association between blood cadmium levels and suicidal ideation in Korean adults.