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Comparison of Stroke Knowledge, Health Beliefs, and Stroke Prevention Behavior between Early and Middle-Aged Adults
Eun Ko
STRESS. 2022;30(2):98-108.   Published online June 30, 2022
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The onset age of stroke is decreasing, leading to social loss. As such, primary stroke prevention is important. This study aimed to compare the stroke knowledge, health beliefs, and stroke prevention behavior between early and middle-aged adults.
In this cross-sectional descriptive study, a survey was conducted in three small cities in Korea from June to October 2020. The study used a structured self-report questionnaire that included items on stroke knowledge, including risk factors, warning signs, and urgent action, health beliefs, and stroke prevention behavior, as well as collected data on respondents’ demographic characteristics. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, 2 test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficients using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 26.0.
The participants included 104 early adults (aged below 40 years) and 143 middle-aged adults (aged 40∼64 years). The two groups showed a significant difference in their health beliefs scores. By contrast, they did not show a significant difference in their scores for stroke prevention behavior. However, their scores for health responsibility (t=−2.00, p=.047), nutrition (t=4.24, p<.001), and interpersonal relationships (t=2.04, p=.042) were significantly different.
Early and middle-aged adults showed differences in health beliefs and the stroke prevention behavior subfactors of health responsibility, nutrition, and interpersonal relationships. The present findings may be used when planning interventions or education programs for primary stroke prevention.
Orthorexia Nervosa, Fear of Obesity
Hwi-Bin Cho, Myoung-Ho Hyun
STRESS. 2020;28(2):68-75.   Published online June 30, 2020
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  • 1 Citations
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The following study was designed to identify the aspects of orthorexia nervosa in Korea and the relationship between orthorexia nervosa and fear of obesity to establish the basis for diagnosis of orthorexia nervosa.


We collected Dusseldorf Orthorexia Scale (DOS), perceived suspectibility and severity to obesity, fear of obesity, Korean Overall Body Esteem Scale (K-OBES), body mass index (BMI), subjective evaluation of obesity degree, body satisfaction, reason for diet and demographic characteristics from 321 adults and then analyzed the data using SPSS 23.0.


The results showed that perceived severity to obesity and subjective evaluation of obesity degree was negatively correlated with DOS and had significant effect on DOS. These findings suggest orthorexia nervosa is not behavior to prevent and manage obesity. Also, the relationship between DOS and demographic characteristics such as gender and age and psychological variable such as fear of obesity, body esteem and satisfaction was not significant.


Orthorexia nervsoa is an independent condition that distinguishes it from anorexia nervosa, which shows a fear of obesity, a disturbance in the way to experience their body and difference between sex. Last, the limitations and implication for future work are discussed.


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    Anna Brytek-Matera, Hala Sacre, Anna Staniszewska, Souheil Hallit
    Nutrients.2020; 12(12): 3865.     CrossRef