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Original Article 숲 체험 효과 측정을 위한 도구 개발
Development of a Scale for Measuring Effectiveness of Forest Experience
Hyun-Seob Cho, Sung-Jae Kim, Jin-Gyung Cha*, Sung-Min Cho*
STRESS 2009;17(2):143-154
Published online: July 1, 2009

사행산업통합감독위원회 중독치유예방센터, 서울대학교 간호대학, *한국음주문화연구센터 카프남성거주시설, *한국음주문화연구센터 연구2팀

The National Gaming Control Commission Problem Gambling Counseling Center, College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, *The Korean Alcohol Research Foundation KARF Men's Facility, *The Korean Alcohol Research

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The purpose of this study was to develop an Scale for Measuring Effectiveness of Forest Experience (SMEFE), which is psychometrically reliable and valid to administer. In order to develop an Scale, the preliminary SMEFE was developed through focus group discussion with participants, and verified them with 162 adults. The quality of correlation matrix in factor analysis was assessed by the results of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity, construct validity was tested using principal component analysis (PCA) on Varimax rotation, and reliability was measured with Crombach's alpha. Based on the results of factor analysis, items with correlation coefficient of over .40 were selected, and finally 25 items were included in the final SMEFE. From the results of factor analysis of the 25 items were extracted 3 factors and the 3 factors (Emotional Competency Dimension, Spirituality Dimension, Prospect of Life Dimension) explained 64.53% of the total variance. Cronbach`s Ձ of the developed 25 items was as high as .91. By factor analysis of three categories, Cronbach's Ձ was .89, .90, and .87 showing high reliability for each sub-category. This newly developed scale was verified reliability and validity for measuring effectiveness of forest experience. This Scale is predict with applicable in a filed related to alcoholics. (Korean J Str Res 2009;17:143∼153)