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Original Article 일개 지역사회주민의 생활사건 스트레스 인지수준과 그 관련요인
The Level of Perceived Stress of Life Events and Its Correlates for Community-dwelling Adults in Korea
Kuem-Sun Han, Jina Choo, Youn-Jae Oh, Il-Han Choo*
STRESS 2009;17(2):91-98
Published online: July 1, 2009

고려대학교 간호대학, *서울대학교병원 신경정신과학교실

Korea University College of Nursing, *Department of NeuroPsychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea

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As society is getting industrialized and globalized, competitive endeavor for survival has been rising and being a threat to mental health toward people living in modern society. Perceived stress of life events may be a contributing factor to mental illness as well as physical illness. The purpose of our study is to identify the level of perceived stress of recent life events and to determine its gender-specific correlates among 933 residents in Ansan city. The Korean version of the Global Assessment of Recent Stress (GARS) was administrated to assess the perceived of recent stress. As physical, psychological and socioeconomical variables, age, sex, marital status, education, job, religion, household income per month, the presence of family members having mental illness, and the number of cohabitants were collected as candidate correlates of total GARS scores. About one third of the residents (32%) showed the moderate or severe levels of total GARS scores and the highest levels of perceived stress in financial pressure among eight domains of GARS. Divorced/separated/widowed status was a significant and independent correlate for men, whereas both monthly household income and the presence of family members having mental illness were significant and independent correlates for women. Therefore, when planning a community-based program, identifying target groups vulnerable to stress and creating gender-specific strategies for promoting mental and physical health are needed. (Korean J Str Res 2009;17:91∼98)

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