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Original Article 간호사에게 적용한 단전호흡 수련이 피로도 및 이완정도에 미치는 효과
Effects of Dhanjeon Respiration on Fatigue and Relaxtion among Clinical Nurses
Sung-Hee Ahn
STRESS 2000;8(2):75-82
Published online: December 30, 2000

가톨릭대학교 간호대학

College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of DJR on fatigue and relaxation among nurses working at a general hospital. The study design employed the one-group protest-posttest quasi-experimental mehtod consisting of physical relaxating. DJR intervention, and a cooling-down phase. A conventience sample of 24 nurses was used in this study. The subjects were not currently taking any medication, nor participating in any program for relieving fatigue or achieving relaxation and participating in any program for relieving fatigue of achieving relaxtion and participated in the DJR training for 60minutes daily 5days a week over 4 weeks. The degrees of fagigue and relaxation were obtained by self-reported questionnaires. A repeated measures ANOVA was used in analyzing the data. The results were as follows: the mean scores for physical, mental, and neuro-sensational fatigue decreased significantly after 2 week and 4 week with DJR training compared with scores before the DJR training(F=13.79, P=.0001; F=24.28, P=.0001;F=17.03, P=.0001, respectively). The mean scores for physical and phychological relasation increased after 2 weeks and 4 weeks with DJR training compared with scores before the DJR training(F=29.02, P=.0001; F=20.38, P=.0001, respectively.) The above findings indicate that Dahnjeon Respiration is effective in reducing fatigue and achieving relaxation. DJR is therefore suggested as one intervention in managing fatigue and improving the general health of clinical nurses.

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