오홍근신경외과, *건국대학교 의과대학교 신경과학, **대구대학교 재활심리학과, ***건국대학교 세포활성연구소, ****건국대학교 자연과학대학 생화학과
Dr. Oh's Neuropsychiatric Clinic, Seoul, Korea, *Dept. of neurology of college of Medicine Kon Kuk University, Korea, **Dept. of Rehavilitation psychology, Taegu University, Taegu, Korea, ***Research center for cell activa
Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the antistress and arousal effects of three aromatic blends being composed of synergic oils and also to differentiate its effectiveness among three. Methods: The subject were 20 (10 for men, 10 for women). they were devided into 4 groups which were group for non aroma inhalation, aroma blend I, aroma blend II, and aroma blend III. Vital factors(blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate), electroencephalograpy, psychological tests(SACL, STAI) were applied. Results : 1. All three aromatic synergic blends revealed significantly stable conditions by lowering pulse and respiratory rates after inhalation. Aroma III was most effective in its function. There were no statistically difference among three in blood pressure. 2. Aroma III and II were significantly valuable in antianxiety effect and aroma I and III were appeared most antistress effect statistically. Aroma III displayed almost same level in alertness after inhalation. The most effective, antistress, antianxiety and arousal states were exhibited in aroma III. 3. The best stable and concentrated brain waves were seen in aroma III inhalation. Aroma II and aroma I disclosed rather relaxed picture than arousal on the encephalograpy. Conclusion : All three aromatic synergic blends reached effective antistress and antianxiety states after inhalation of each blends. But the most effective antistress and arousal states were certainly achieved in the inhalation of aroma III. Further studies about the effectiveness between the amount of aromatic essential oils and the duration of inhalation should be considered. Also clincial tests of these three aromatic synergic blending oils to the group of students preparing examination, drivers and attention deficit children should be accomplished in the future.