The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of negative problem orientation in the association between intolerance uncertainty and worry.
Participants who were 531 undergraduate students in Chungbuk were administered Intolerance Uncertainty Scale (IUS), Negative Problem Orientation (NPO; SPSI-R), Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ).
The results are as follows. Intolerance of uncertainty had statistically significant positive correlation with worry. Negative problem orientation had a partial mediating effect in the association between intolerance uncertainty and worry.
This result suggested the importance of intolerance of uncertainty and negative problem orientation in psychological approach to university students who have difficulty in worry.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the psychological mechanisms of the variables affecting speech anxiety.
A total of 550 undergraduate and graduate students, who agreed to take part in the current study, participated and data were collected through online survey. A serial multiple mediated model was tested using the SPSS macro by Hayes.
Internalized shame and intolerance of uncertainty completely mediated the relationship between evaluative concerns perfectionism and speech anxiety. Serial multiple mediating effects of internalized shame, and intolerance of uncertainty were also verified.
These results suggest that intervention on trait variable that targets the internalized shame and intolerance of uncertainty may be helpful in reducing speech anxiety in undergraduate and graduate students.