*삼육대학교 일반대학원 간호학과, †고려대학교 간호대학
*Department of Nursing, Sahmyook University, †College of Nursing, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the clinical practice stress of nursing students to their clinical competence in an effort to provide some information of intervention. The subjects in this study were every junior and senior who earned all the necessary credits for clinical practice in a nursing college located in the province of G. The number of the selected students was 349. The collected data were analyzed by the statistical package SPSS WIN 18.0, and a structural inventory was utilized to grasp the general characteristics, clinical practice stress and clinical competence of the students. As a results, the students got a mean of 3.24±.61 and 3.20±.41 in self-perceived clinical practice stress and clinical competence respectively, which were both above the average, and the personal characteristics of their clinical practice stress had a statistically significant negative correlation to their clinical competence. Given the findings of the study, nursing education tailored to individual characteristics is required in association with clinical practice, and should be implemented to determine influential sociopsychological variables. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:313∼322)