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Original Article 음란물을 보거나 성인사이트에서 채팅을 자주하는 중ㆍ고등학생의 분포와 사회ㆍ심리적 특성
Associations of Demographic and Psycho-Social Characteristics with Frequent Watching Pornography Material or the Adults-Only Internet Chatting among Middle and High School Students in Seoul
Sun Mi Shin
STRESS 2013;21(4):275-281
Published online: December 30, 2013

중부대학교 간호학과

Department of Nursing, Joongbu University, Geumsan, Korea

Received: 15 May 2013   • Revised: 20 May 2013   • Accepted: 15 December 2013
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Purpose of this study was to identify prevalence of frequent watching pornography or chatting in the adults-only internet sites and to investigate association with demographic and psychosocial characteristics. It was cross-sectional study by using secondary data from 14,289 subjects, Standard Survey of middle and high school in 2010, Seoul. Descriptive and Chi-square and multiple logistic regression were conducted to identify prevalence of and odds ratios of frequent watching pornography or chatting in the adults-only internet sites associated with psychosocial characteristics. The prevalence of frequent watching pornography or chatting in the adults-only internet sites was 5.8% and was higher in male (9.1%) and high school students (7.4%). Its odds ratios associated with frequent watching pornography or chatting in the adults-only internet sites were 6.08 times for male, high vs middle school students 2.07 times. Also, its odds ratio associated with psychosocial characteristics were school bullying 2.31 times, threatened safety because of violence 1.55 times, and severe consideration of a runaway from home 1.60 times. Therefore, to prevent the use of frequent watching pornography or chatting in the adults-only internet sites, it is necessary to develop an alternative program for health promotion to intervene male and high school students and psychosocial weak students including school bullying, violence, and a runaway from home. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:275∼281)

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