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Original Article 한국형 마음챙김 명상기반 스트레스 완화 프로그램(K-MBSR)이 유방암 환자의 심리적 증상, 수면 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과
The Effects of Korean Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program on the Psychological Symptoms, Sleep and Quality of Life, in Korea Breast Cancer Patients
Kyung Park*, Jin-Soo Jun, Sun Young Jung
STRESS 2013;21(3):249-262
Published online: June 30, 2013

*서울여자대학교 특수치료전문대학원, †이수심리상담센터, ‡경희대학교 한방병원

*Seoul Women's University Graduate School of Professional Therapeutic Technology, Esu Psychological Counseling Center, Kyung Hee University at Gang dong, Seoul, Korea

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This study investigated the effects of K-MBSR in Korean breast cancer patients. research period was from the end of Feb. to 9th of Aug. in 2012. 20 breast cancer patients were participated in this program. 5 were assigned in non-treatment control group and 15 were assigned in experiment group. And 6 of experimental group who engaged in first experiment were participated in follow-up study. K-MBSR was implemented to experimental group for 4 hours for every week during 6 weeks. The control group did not have any treatment. The test instruments for pre-post experiment were RRS, PSQI, EROTC-BR23, SCL-90-R, FFMQ, K-CCQ, K-TPGI, Blood Pressure, and Salivary Test in this program. As the results of hypothesis pre-tests for homogeneity between experimental and control group, all the null hypothesis were accepted. However, after the 6 times K-MBSR treatments, several null hypothesis were denied, and research hypothesis were accepted such as Ruminative Response, Sleep Quality, physical symptoms of Quality of Life, Depression Hostility, Interpersonal Sensitivity, and Anxiety. This means that experimental group patients experienced some reduction for the tested issues. Especially depression in pre-post of experiment group showed significant reduction. Especially depression in pre-post of experiment group was a significant reductions. Although the number of cases was small, these results implies that the K-MBSR can contribute reductions for the rumination, physical symptoms, Sleep Quality, and Quality of Life of the breast cancer patients in Korea. For the future research, large sample experiment is needed to make more confident result for K-MBSR. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:249∼262)

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