성신여자대학교 간호대학
College of Nursing, Sungshin Women's University, Seoul, Korea
The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with parenting stress of mothers of school-aged children with atopic dermatitis. Data were collected form 102 mothers of school-aged children with atopic dermatitis. Parenting stress was measured with PSI (Parenting Stress Index) and behavioral problems were measured with K-CBCL (Korean Child Behavior Checklist). Descriptive, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analyses were used. There was a significant relationship between parenting stress and mother's education level (r=.319, p<.05), internalizing (r=.284, p<.05) and externalizing (r=.251, p<.05) problems. There was a significant relationship between parent domain for mother's education level (r=.280, p<.05) and internalizing problems (r=.291, p<.05), parent-child domain for mother's education level (r=.327, p<.05), school achievement (r=−.356, p<.05), severity of disease (r=.275, p<.05), and externalizing problems (r=.253, p<.05), and child domain for economic status (r=−.252, p<.05), internalizing (r=.278, p<.05) and externalizing (r=.265, p<.05) problems. The result of multiple regression analysis showed that parenting stress significantly associated with mother's education level (Ղ=0.466, p=.002), child's internalizing (Ղ=0.415, p=.006) and externalizing (Ղ=0.400, p=.012) problems. It is important to understand parenting stress of mother of children with atopic dermatitis and develop nursing interventions for them. (Korean J Str Res 2011;19:115∼121)