중앙대학교 심리학과
Department of Psychology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
The present study examined whether there was a difference in the mode of anger expression according to different adult attachment styles suggested Brennan et al. (1998). The subjects of this study were 194 adult who were given self report measure of adult attachment styles and anger expression. They were divided into secure, dismissing, preoccupied, fearful attachment groups. The data was according to repeated-measures analysis of variance. The results showed that there was a significant difference in anger expression according to different adult attachment styles. There were relatively high CAI (control-anger-in) scores in secure group, whereas the dismissing, preoccupied, fearful groups showed relatively high AI (anger-in) scores. In the cases of the secure attachment style groups, they could effectively control over the internalization of anger. But insecure group exhibited unilateral repression and the internalization of anger. This study also showed that there was a generational difference in the mode of anger expression according to different adult attachment styles. In 10s∼20s group, proportion of fearful attachment style was more than 30s∼40s group. In 30s∼40s group, they could relevantly control over the internalization/externalization of anger more than 10s∼20s group. Finally, the implications and limitations of this research were discussed and suggestions for future research were proposed. (Korean J Str Res 2009;17:35∼44)