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Original Article 뇌졸중 환자 가족부양자의 스트레스 반응과 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 요인: 일상생활 수행능력과 사회적 지지를 중심으로
Factors of Stress Responses and Quality of Life among Stroke Patients' Family Caregivers: Focused on ADL and Social Supports
Young-Ok Gwak*, Young-Sook Kim*, Kyung-Hyun Suh
STRESS 2008;16(3):261-270
Published online: September 30, 2008

삼육대학교 *사회복지학과, 상담학과

Departments of *Social Welfare, Counseling, Sahmyook University, Seoul, Korea

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This study aims to examine the relations of the activity of daily living of stroke survivers and social supports toward family caregivers to the stress response and the subjective well-being of family caregivers. The participants were 167 (26 males and 141 females) family caregivers of stroke survivers, whose ages ranged from 23 to 84 (M=54.36, SD=13.87). The instruments utilized in the present study were Koh's Stress Response Scale, Korean version of Cambell's Scale for Subjective Well-being, and Barthel Index. Result indicated that family caregivers with male patients showed more severe stress responses and lower level of subjective well-being than those with female patients. Family caregivers who received more social supports were less likely to show stress responses and higher level of subjective well-being even though adjusted by the gender and age of patients. All kinds of social supports which were given to family caregivers were closely related to their subjective well-being, and especially family caregivers' fatigue and depression were closely related to social supports. By the activity of daily living of stroke survivers, there was no significant differences in the stress response and the subjective well-being of family caregivers. And the suggestion for future studies and the possible influence of social supports to the stress response and quality of life of family caregivers with stroke survivers were discussed with these results and previous studies. (Korean J Str Res 2008;16:261∼269)

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