을지의과대학교 간호대학
Department of Nursing, School of Nursing, Eulji University
This study is conducted to understand the stress related to the interpersonal relationship and identify the strategies for intervention through the literature review. The stressors were culture-bounded. So the unique socio-cultural characteristics, such as relationship oriented, 'we-consciousness' centered, and 'Jung relationship' were deliberately considered in Korea. The stressors included unsatisfied basic social needs, misunderstanding, mistrust or loss of trust, depression, and individual's intrinsic factors. The strategies also should be derived considering cultural characteristics. Awareness of stress, thought stopping, refuting irrational beliefs, self-cultivating activities that can enhance one's power of self-control, and use of embodied relaxation technique were identified as the strategies for intervention. Furthermore, many culture-specific interventions and researches should be suggested. (Korean J Str Res 2006;14:107∼114)