경희대학교 의과대학 가정의학교실
Department of Family Medicine, Kyunghee University Medical College
Hypertension is defined as blood pressure of 140 mmHg and above in systolic or 90 mmHg and above in diastolic on two or more occasions. 95% of hypertension is of unknown origin and is called as essential hypertension. However, environment and renin are known as predisposing factors to raise blood pressure. Stress is one of the environmental factors to hypertension. Blood pressure response is different among individuals and is increased when somebody is confronted by aggressive stimulus, so communication stress can increase blood pressure. With the family history of hypertension, arithmetic test made increase the blood pressure response. Stroop color-word test increased blood pressure and contributed to the occurrence of coronary artery disease. For hypertensive patients forearm vascular resistance is higher in those with more vascular damage. The higher the blood pressure response after exercise, the higher the probability of hypertension in the future, and it was due to the increase of cardiac output by the sympathetic stimulation. The pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease by the psychological stress can be modulated in three levels; congnitive- emotional level, hypothalamus-brain stem level, and pheripheral organ level. (Korean J Str Res 2006;14:69∼76)