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Review Article Neurofeedback: 원리와 임상응용
Neurofeedback: Principles and Clinical Application
Dong Goo Kim*, Hyung Bae Park and Young Woo Ahn
STRESS 2005;13(2):93-98
Published online: June 22, 2005

*연세대학교 의과대학 약리학교실, 포천중문의대 대체의학센터, 마인드 앤 헬스의원, 문정 연세가정의학과 의원

*Department of Pharmacology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, CHA Biomedical Center Pochon CHA University, Mind & Health Clinic, Munjeong Yonsei Family Practice

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Neurofeedback is a kind of biofeedback called EEG (electroencephalogram) biofeedback, Neurofeedback or Neurotherapy. Neurofeedback is a biofeedback targeting EEG as a sensory subject. Neurofeedback can give a variety of beneficial effects on the variable psychiatrical and neurological diseases since the brain becomes a direct target of the neurofeedback. For applying neurofeedback, it is convenient to divide the brain function into 3 functional axes such as (1) cortical-subcortical (2) anterior-posterior and (3) lateral axes. Neurofeedback restores the balance of these 3 axes by strengthening or weakening brain waves of the particular brain region. Two representative methods of practical application are Beta/SMR (sensory motor rhythm) training and Alpha/Theta training. Beta/SMR training uses visual feedback reward and Alpha/Theta training uses auditory feedback reward. Symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, attention deficit or increased aggression can be improved by Beta/SMR training. Mood swing and headache caused by imbalance of right-left brain also can be improved after Beta/SMR training. symptoms of problems of deep internal emotion such as post-traumatic stress disorder or chronic stress can be improved by Alpha/Theta training. If we use neurofeedback appropriately, peak performance of the brain can be accomplished. Since no significant side effects were reported, increased use of neurofeedback is expected in the future. (Korean J Str Res 2005;13:93∼98)

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