대구카톨릭대학교 의과대학 간호학과*
Department of Nursing, Catholic university of Daegu*
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship among personality characteristics, uncertainty and way of coping of breast cancer patients. The subjects of the study were the 113 breast cancer patients treated at 3 university hospitals in Daegu and Busan from June 1 to Sep. 30, 2003. Personality characteristics was measured by using Personality Inventory(NEO-PI), uncertainty measured by using Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale(MUIS), and coping by using a questionnaire developed by Forkman & Lazarus(1984), corrected by Lee(1997). Data were analyzed with SPSS program by frequency, range, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficients. The findings of this survery indicate 1) The mean personality characteristics item score was 2.64, uncertainty was 2.81, and way of coping was 3.35. 2) There was a significant difference between personality characteristics and uncertainty according to demographic factor. 3) There was a positive correlation between personality characteristics and way of coping(r=.35). Among subitem of coping were positively correlated with personality characteristics expecially extroversion, openness and conscientiousness. 4) There was a positive correlation between neuroticism and uncertainty(r=.36). it was found that personality characteristics, uncertainty and way of coping were essential concept for qualitative care of breast cancer patients. This study suggests that there would be further study to find out the importance and relationship between individual differences in personality characteristics and coping strategy of breast cancer patients.