이화여자대학교 교육대학원*
Graduate school of education, Ewha Womans University *
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in the characterstics of response pattern of patients who were brain injured and were not brain injured but suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder using self-report psycholodical test, MMPI-Korean version. Total of 47 subjects participated in the study, who were divided into two groups: Twenty-one subjects who were brain injured (BIG) in one group and 26 subjects wiht post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in second group. In order to compare the response pattern differences between BIG and PTSD, cluster analysis of MMPI was administered. The results of this study were as follow: 1) Group 1 of the BIG, which constituted 2/3 of the entire subjects, showed score of T 60 in the clinical scale 1 and 3, which can be further interpreted as having reactive pattern. 2) Group 2 of BIG scored over T 80 points in F validity scale and 8 clinical scale, and over T 70 points in 1,2,3,6,7 clinical scales which appeared as high-diffuse response pattern. 3) Group 1 which constituted 2/3 of PTSD group scored over T 70 points in F validity scale, 8 and 6 clinical scales, and scored over T 60 points in 1,2,3 and 7 clinical scales. Group 1 of PTSD showed high-diffuse response pattern. 4) Group 2 of PTSD scored T 60 points in 1,2,3 scales which showed reactive pattern. Based on these results, it was found that MMPI response pattern of BIG' s group 1 and PTSD's group 2 were identical and that BIG group 2 and PTSD group 1 were also similar. These results were further analyzed from psychological perspectives and also suggestions were provided for further research.