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Does Stress Affect Adolescent Anxiety by Mediating Sleep Time?
Si On Jang
STRESS. 2024;32(3):142-152.   Published online September 30, 2024
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Health is essential for the sustainable well-being, yet high stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep among Korean adolescents have become significant social concerns.
This study examined the impact of stress on anxiety and investigated whether sleep time mediates this relationship in 46,870 male and female adolescents, ranging from first-year of middle school students to third-year high school students. Data were obtained from the "18th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey" conducted by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.
The analysis showed that increased stress was associated with reduced sleep time and higher anxiety levels, stress was found to heighten anxiety, partly by reducing sleep time.
Based on these findings, the study recommends: ① developing mental health indicators to quickly identify adolescents at risk for mental health issues, ② encouraging cooperation between schools, government agencies, healthcare providers to enhance access to mental health programs for adolescents, and ③ implementing policies that promote healthy behaviors, ensure adequate sleep, and improve overall well-being.


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  • Comparative effects of music therapy and aromatherapy on stress, quality of life, and happiness among shift nurses in Korea: a randomized controlled trial
    So-heun Lee, Won-jong Kim, Eun-Hi Choi, Myung-Haeng Hur
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2024; 26(4): 337.     CrossRef
The Mediating Role of Sleep Problems in the Relationship between Economic Hardship and Quality of Life: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study
Hansol Moon, Eun-Jung Shim
STRESS. 2023;31(4):175-181.   Published online December 28, 2023
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We examined the mediating effect of sleep problems on the relationship between economic hardship (i.e., economic stress and subjective socioeconomic status) and quality of life (QOL).
We analyzed data from 232 students who completed all three self-report surveys over the course of the semester, employing a simple mediation model examined by the SPSS PROCESS Macro.
The findings revealed that higher levels of economic stress at Time 1 (T1) were associated with higher levels of sleep problems at T2 which, in turn, were associated with a poorer QOL at T3. In contrast, subjective socioeconomic status at T1 was not associated with sleep problems at either T2 or QOL at T3.
The current results suggest that improving sleep problems may be effective in mitigating the negative impact of economic stress on QOL among university students.
Influence of Job Stress, Sleep Quality and Fatigue on Work Engagement in Shift Nurses
Ji Yeon Shim, Nam Sook Seo, Mi Ae Kim, Jeung Suk Park
STRESS. 2019;27(4):344-352.   Published online December 31, 2019
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This study was conducted to examine job stress, sleep quality, and fatigue and identify major variables that influence work engagement in order to develop an intervention program for shift duty nurses to enhance their work engagement.


The subjects of this study were 170 nurses working with shift duty at one university hospital and one general hospital located in G city. Data were collected from February to March 2018 with structured questionnaires, and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe’s test, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression.


The mean scores of job stress, sleep quality, fatigue, and work engagement were 3.87, 1.57, 4.64, and 2.36, respectively. The work engagement was negatively correlated with job stress, sleep quality, and fatigue. The most powerful variable influencing work engagement was sleep quality and the model showed explanatory power of 22.5%.


The results of this study indicate that the quality of sleep is most important factor affecting work engagement of shift nurses. This study suggest that it is necessary a variety of strategies in order to improve the quality of sleep and to intervene in job stress and fatigue, eventually lead to enhancing nursing performance.


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  • Factors Affecting Occupational Health of Shift Nurses: Focusing on Job Stress, Health Promotion Behavior, Resilience, and Sleep Disturbance
    Da-Som Choi, Sang-Hee Kim
    Safety and Health at Work.2022; 13(1): 3.     CrossRef
  • Affecting Factors on Sleep Quality in Foreign Workers
    Soojeong Kim, Min Kyung Kim, Inkyoung Lee, Kyoung Won Cho
    Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics.2022; 47(2): 139.     CrossRef
  • Factors Job Commitment of Preceptor Nurse
    Seo Yeon Lee, Kuem Sun Han
    Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2022; 31(2): 192.     CrossRef
  • Investigation of Mental and Physical Health of Nurses Associated with Errors in Clinical Practice
    Despoina Pappa, Ioannis Koutelekos, Eleni Evangelou, Evangelos Dousis, Georgia Gerogianni, Evdokia Misouridou, Afroditi Zartaloudi, Nikoletta Margari, Georgia Toulia, Polyxeni Mangoulia, Eftychia Ferentinou, Anna Giga, Chrysoula Dafogianni
    Healthcare.2022; 10(9): 1803.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life in a Sample of Cancer Survivor Female Nurses
    Ju Hyun Jin, Eun Ju Lee
    Medicina.2020; 56(12): 721.     CrossRef
Effects of Emotional Development Therapy (EDT) on Stress, Fatigue, Sleep, and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in Nurses
Mi-Young Jeong, Nam-Sook Seo
STRESS. 2018;26(1):60-67.   Published online March 31, 2018
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The aim of this study is to verify the effects of EDT on stress, fatigue, sleep and HRV in nurses. The study was a quasi-experiment using nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design.


Experimental treatment was to contact EDT 3 points on the body surface. EDT touch used the first fingerprint of the thumb for 3 minutes on the frontal branch of superficial temporal area, 3 minutes on the facial area, and 4 minutes on the axillary area. EDT was applied 10 minutes, twice a week for 5 weeks.


Data were analyzed with SPSS 23.0 program. As a result, stress, fatigue, sleep, and HRV were statistically significant difference in both groups.


EDT can be used not only for nurses’ health maintenance and promotion but also for independent nursing intervention at clinical practice.


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  • Comparative effects of music therapy and aromatherapy on stress, quality of life, and happiness among shift nurses in Korea: a randomized controlled trial
    So-heun Lee, Won-jong Kim, Eun-Hi Choi, Myung-Haeng Hur
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2024; 26(4): 337.     CrossRef
The Impact of Sleep Disorder and Job Stress on Turnover Intention of Shift-Working Nurses
Eun Ok Yang, In Ryung Choi, Seong-Min Kim
STRESS. 2017;25(4):255-264.   Published online December 31, 2017
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This study is a descriptive survey research that aims to provide basic data for efficient human resource management that can contribute to reducing turnover rate among nurses, by identifying the impact of sleep disorder and job stress on the turnover intention of shift working nurses and understanding the key factors influencing their turnover intention.


The subjects of this research were 188 nurses working 8-hour shifts in J-city, G-city and N-city, of which 13 respondents who produced unreliable answers were excluded from the analysis, making the total number of valid questionnaire 175. Collected data were analyzed with a SPSS 12.0 program using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, correlation and stepwise multiple regression.


As for correlation between domains, sleep disorder and turnover intention had positive correlation. Between job stress and turnover intention, the total job stress was positively correlated with turnover intention. Variables influencing turnover intention among the subjects were; the more clinically experienced, and in regards to job stress, the less adapted to workplace climate, the lower the level of payment and the more serious the sleep disorder.


In conclusion, as a nurse in shift work, the more clinical experience, the less the salary, the more sleeping obstacles, the less the job adaptation to the work culture, the more the degree of turnover is found to be high.


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  • The Association of Job Stress, Quality of Sleep, and the Experience of Near-Miss Errors among Nurses in General Hospitals
    Seong-Kyeong Kwak, Jin-Soo Ahn, Yeon-Ha Kim
    Healthcare.2024; 12(6): 699.     CrossRef
  • Associations between the Timing and Nutritional Characteristics of Bedtime Meals and Sleep Quality for Nurses after a Rotating Night Shift: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
    Jung Hoon Park, Hyuntae Park, Seongryu Bae, Jiyeon Kang
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2023; 20(2): 1489.     CrossRef
  • Sleep Disorder Experience of Shift Work Nurses: A Phenomenological Study
    Yoon-Jung KOO
  • The influence of COVID-19-related resilience on depression, job stress, sleep quality, and burnout among intensive care unit nurses
    Sojin Hwang, Jungmin Lee
    Frontiers in Psychology.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Occupational Health of Shift Nurses: Focusing on Job Stress, Health Promotion Behavior, Resilience, and Sleep Disturbance
    Da-Som Choi, Sang-Hee Kim
    Safety and Health at Work.2022; 13(1): 3.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Turnover Intention among New Graduate Nurses: Focusing on Job Stress and Sleep Disturbance
    Minjeong An, Seongkum Heo, Yoon Young Hwang, JinShil Kim, Yeonhu Lee
    Healthcare.2022; 10(6): 1122.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Sleep Disorder and Fatigue on Turnover Intention of Seafarers who is On-boarding in Ocean-going Merchant Vessel
    Jeong-Hee HWANG
  • Effect of Sleep Quality and Depression on Married Female Nurses’ Work–Family Conflict
    Eunhee Hwang, Yeongbin Yu
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(15): 7838.     CrossRef
  • Rotating between day and night shifts: Factors influencing sleep patterns of hospital nurses
    Seunghwa Shin, SuHyun Kim
    Journal of Clinical Nursing.2021; 30(21-22): 3182.     CrossRef
  • A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of the clinical effects of aroma inhalation therapy on sleep problems
    Moon Joo Cheong, Sungchul Kim, Jee Su Kim, Hyeryun Lee, Yeoung-Su Lyu, Yu Ra Lee, Byeonghyeon Jeon, Hyung Won Kang
    Medicine.2021; 100(9): e24652.     CrossRef
  • Compliance with Recommendations on Work Schedule for Shift Nurses in South Korea
    Jiyeon Lee, Ihn Sook Jeong
    Safety and Health at Work.2021; 12(2): 255.     CrossRef
  • Secondary Data Analysis on the Quality of Sleep and Related Factors of Novice and Experienced Shift Work Nurses
    Minjeong Yu, Smi Choi-Kwon
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2020; 50(5): 646.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Hospital Nurses: Compared to Female Wage Workers
    Dong Min Son, Young-Il Jung
    Stress.2019; 27(3): 268.     CrossRef
  • Work-related Characteristics and Sleep Quality of Nurses in Comprehensive Nursing Care Units of Small-medium Sized Hospitals
    Sujin Shin, Inyoung Lee, Jeonghyun Kim, Sung-Heui Bae
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2019; 26(4): 260.     CrossRef
  • Structural Equation Model for Sleep Quality of Female Shift Work Nurses
    Ji Yeong Jeong, Mee Ock Gu
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2018; 48(5): 622.     CrossRef