This research focuses on ambivalence over emotional expressiveness of college students. It was expected to provide basic data that can be used in the development of related strategies to identify the influence of ambivalence over emotional expressiveness on self-efficacy and interpersonal relationship.
We selected 282 students who completed a questionnaire about general characteristics, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, self-efficacy, and interpersonal relationship tools. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and regression analysis.
Overall ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and ambivalence over positive emotional expressiveness of those who lived alone or in dormitory were statistically significantly higher than living with their families or relatives. Ambivalence over positive emotional expressiveness had significant negative effect on self-efficacy. Overall ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and ambivalence over positive emotional expressiveness had significant negative effects on interpersonal relationship.
To develop strategies enhancing self-efficacy and interpersonal relationship for college students, it is necessary to develop a strategy that can improve ambivalence over positive emotional expressiveness on self-efficacy. There is a need for strategies that improves both ambivalence over positive emotional expressiveness and ambivalence over positive emotional expressiveness on interpersonal relationship.