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3 "Happiness"
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Subjective Happiness according to Temperament and Character Type of Nursing Students
EunJoo Kim, Geunmyun Kim
STRESS. 2020;28(2):76-83.   Published online June 30, 2020
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Happiness is an issue on college campuses because college is a time of transition to adult and professional life. In particular, nursing college students feel an excessive burden on patient care and relationships with medical staff in heavy academic stress and clinical practice at universities, causing psychological disorders such as tension, anxiety, depression, etc. due to these problems. The purpose of this study is to identify the temperament and personality types of nursing college students and to identify the factors that affect each type of subjective happiness.


The research method used TCI-RS to identify the temperament and character, and subjective happiness was measured using Oxford’s happiness sensitivity tool. The statistical methods utilized the methods of technical statistics, ANOVA, and multiplicity.


The percent of below 30 percentile of self-transcendence (ST) and persistence (P) were 48.4%, 43.7% whereas The percent of above 70percentile correspondence (CO), self-directedness+cooperativeness (SC), and reward dependence (RD) were 50.7%, 49.3%, 39.0%. Factors affecting the subjective happiness of nursing college students are harm avoidance (HA) (β=−.16), p<.001), RD (β=27, p<.001), self-directedness (SD) (β=.59, p<.001) and 69% explained. Nursing college students had higher subjective happiness as autonomous students and higher social sensitivity. In comparison, the lower the hedging tendency, the higher subjective happiness.


To enhance subjective happiness of nursing college students, arbitration seems to be necessary considering the temperament and character of individual students.


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  • Effect of Pro-Social Behavior and Self-Determination on Life Satisfaction among Nursing Students
    Chung Hee Woo, Hye Young Cho
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2022; 28(3): 251.     CrossRef
A Study on Character Strength and Subjective Happiness of Oncology Nurses
So Li Kim, Young Suk Park
STRESS. 2020;28(1):33-39.   Published online March 31, 2020
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The purpose of this study is to analyze characteristics of character strengths and effect factors of subjective happiness of oncology nurses. This research was conducted on the theoretical background of positive psychology.


This study was a cross-sectional study that data were collected from 182 oncology nurses working in a cancer hospital with 500 beds from January to March, 2017. The research instruments were self-reported questionnaires of VIA-IS and Subjective Happiness Scale. The data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and multiple linear regression analysis.


The average of items about total score of character strengths was 3.38 (±0.29) on the 5-point Likert scale and about subjective happiness was 4.95 (±0.90) on the 7-point Likert scale. Signature strengths of the subjects were classified by six sub-areas of character strengths, frequency of humanity was highest and followed by courage. The level of subjective happiness has significant positive correlations with character strengths. The factors that affect subjective happiness of oncology nurses were job-satisfaction and total score of character strengths. The explanatory power of these factors on the subjective happiness was 34.0%.


We recommend to develop a happiness enhancing program focused on job-satisfaction and character strengths for oncology nurses and to verify their effectiveness.


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  • The Mediating Effect of self-efficiency on the Relation between Character Strength and Job Performance in Beauty Industry Workers
    Ji-Suk Jung, Yun-Kyoung Oh
    Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology.2022; 28(1): 76.     CrossRef
A Longitudinal Study on the Degree of Demoralization and the Constraining Factors of Victims from the Kwangju Civil Uprising
Ju Na Byun
Korean J Str Res. ;8(2):63-74.
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For the purposes of figuring out the degree of demoralization (life unsatisfaction and uphappiness) of the injured victims at the time of the bloody 5.18 Civil Uprising in Kwangju, Korea, 1980 and the subsequent 17 years; analyzing constraining factors. This study surveyed 156 members of the 5.18 Injured Victims Association for 6 months from July through December of 1997. This study employs the Cantril Life Satisfaction Ladder(Cantril 1965) and the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (MUNSH, Kozma and Stones 1980) as the internationally standardized apparatuses for measuring happiness. For the questions on life satisfaction, 97% of the subjects answered not satisfied, 45.1% of whom answered very unsatistied. The mean score of life satisfaction is 2.94. The life satisfaction scores at each point of time change as follows: Right before the 5.18 Uprising, the life satisfaction score is 5.66, but right after the Uprising, it goes 4 ladders down to the lowest point. Right after the 1990 Compensation, the score goes 1 ladder up to 2.94. Right after the enacment of the 5.18 Special Law, it goes up 1 more ladder to 3.58, but at the present time of 1997, it goes down 1 ladder again to 2.94. As for the future of 2002, the score 4.45,1.5 times more satisfied than now, but this score is still lower than that of before the Uprising. The score of unhappiness is greater if they have fewer available clinics; if the degree of disability is higher; and if the scores of life satixfaction are lower.Illness also has significant influences on the scores of unhappiness. The unhappiness scores are also significantly varied according to the employment status. The illness and employment factors explain as much as 78.7% of their unhappiness.