The population of the aged has been rapidly increasing worldwide, and about 50% of them are under chronic pain by irreversible degenerative diseases. This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) on pain, pain interference, and life satisfaction in people with chronic pain. In addition, this study proposed that anxiety, depression, self-efficacy, psychological inflexibility in pain, pain catastrophizing and kinesiophobia are mediating the effectiveness of ACT.
Participants of ACT program for this study comprised the elderly aged 65 and over who had been suffering from chronic pain for at least 6 months and reported their pain intensity of at least five on the VAS (Visual Analogue Scale, 0-10). During the sessions, experimental group participated in the ACT program designed by Stoddard and Wetherell(2011) and the control group received health education. After finishing eight sessions of each program, data from 25 participants in the experimental group and 27 in the control group were used for the final analysis.
The results showed that the ACT program is significantly more effective on relieving pain, pain interference, anxiety, and psychological inflexibility in pain than health education program. However, anxiety and psychological inflexibility did not have significant mediating effects on pain and pain interference.
Finally, this study has verified the curative effect of ACT for elderly people suffering from chronic pain. Therefore, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can be used for supplementary treatment for patients with degenerative disease.
This study was conducted to identify the effects of emotional labor, social support, anger expression on nurses’ organizational commitment.
The participants were 175 nurses working at one university hospital. Data were collected from January 26th to February 2nd in 2015 and were analyzed with Multiple Regression Analysis.
The most influential factor on nurse’s organizational commitment was supervisor’s support (β= .40) followed by emotional labor (β=−.24) and peer’s support (β=.15), which together explained their organizational commitment up to 35.0% (F=16.36, p<.001).
Through this study result, the factors influencing nurse’s organizational commitment were supervisor’s support, emotional labor, and peer support, among which supervisor’s support was the most influential factor. The results of the study improve nurse’s organizational commitment, supervisor’s support is needed for nurses to understand and solve problems that they encounter.
This study explored how the personal and job characteristics, professionalism, organizational commitment and depression of public social work officials affect their job satisfaction in Korea.
296 samples were selected from the raw data of the public social work officials working in the Seoul-Gyeonggi metropolitan area, which were collected by a research center in Korea, for this study. It conducted multiple regression analysis.
As results of the augmented regression analysis, gender, organizational commitment and depression were key factors to determine the job satisfaction of social work public officials in Korea.
Findings of this study recommended us policy and administrative implications to increase their job satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to provide an integrative review of ACT for mental health problems to identify content of program and discuss methodological strategy of intervention according to target population. According to Whittmore and Knaf’s integrative review method, this research was conducted in five stages: clarification of research problems, literature search, and quality evaluation of data, data analysis, and data description. The key words in English and Korean were used to search through seven electronic databases. 21 studies were finally included in this integrative review. ACT was used as an intervention for anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder and eating disorders and was effective in social avoidance, anxiety sensitivity, depression, dysfunctional belief and negative thinking. It was also used as an intervention for the maladjustment in adolescence to improve self-esteem and reduce behavioral problem. The six core processes of ACT are useful for people with chronic mental illness who have an ineffective avoidance strategy that avoids their symptoms and does not accept the illness. We give a suggestion that researchers develop and apply appropriate ACT for mentally ill person in hospitals.
가정폭력 피해 여성을 위해 개발한 기존 치료 프로그램의 효과와 만족도가 높음에도 불구하고, 프로그램 중도 탈락률은 70퍼센트에 탈하였다. 본 연구에서는 참여자의 치료 참여율을 높이기 위해, 변증법적 행동치료에 기초한 개입전략을 개발하였다. 개입을 하지 않은 집단과 비교했을 때 개입을 한 집단에서 전반적인 참여율 상승은 나타나지 않았다. 그러나, 개입집단에서 치료를 완료한 연구참여자의 비율이 높았다(개입집단 46%, 비개입집단 28%). 추가적으로 본 연구의 함의와 이후 연구를 위한 제안을 논의하였다.