The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of experiential avoidance in the relationship between borderline personality traits and reactive aggression.
In total, 160 participants (male N=57, female N=103, mean age 25.3 years) completed the questionnaires measuring levels of borderline personality traits, experiential avoidance, and reactive aggression.
First, borderline personality traits had a significantly positive effect on experiential avoidance and reactive aggression. Experiential avoidance also had a positive effect on reactive aggression. Second, experiential avoidance had mediating effect between borderline personality traits and reactive aggression.
Based on the results of this study, it was confirmed that borderline personality traits could activate experiential avoidance, which leads to an increase in reactive aggression. Furthermore, current results suggested that in the treatment of reactive aggression in borderline personality traits, it was important to deal with experiential avoidance.