Trauma is a physically or emotionally harmful or life-threatening event that negatively affects well-being. Recently, a high correlation between trauma and substance addiction has been recognized. The aim of this study is to synthesize qualitative studies to understand the effects of trauma involved in the addiction and recovery process.
By searching qualitative studies about addiction and recovery, 17 Korean studies (80 subjects) were finally included in our analysis.
We recorded the traumas experienced, and their effects on addiction and recovery. Trauma reduced self-esteem and triggered psychological pain, while addiction was perceived as a countermeasure. As the trauma became accepted, participants acknowledged themselves, realized the value of their existence, and formed trusting relationships with others. Recovery progressed as the trauma healed.
Our study facilitates a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the role of trauma on addiction.
The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify stresses and coping of recovering alcoholics in communities.
Individual interviews were conducted with a total of 8 recovering alcoholics. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.
Two categories and six subcategories for each category were derived. Two categories were ‘life problems and stresses encountered without drinking’ and ‘constant change efforts and growth’. The identified stresses of the participants were summarized as ‘a body weakened by drinking’, ‘constant vigilance against the ongoing temptation of drinking’, ‘painful regrets for the past’, ‘difficulties in building new relationships’, ‘a lonely life left alone’, ‘a long way to self-reliance’. In addition, the revealed helpful factors in coping with the stresses were ‘strong power by being together’, ‘strong family support’, ‘firm wills constantly strengthened’, ‘healing power of letting-go’, ‘awareness through learning’, ‘participation in various activities to replace drinking’.
Participants were experiencing various stresses caused by physical, mental and social problems in their recovery process and trying to overcome the difficulties by applying various methods. The results of this study may provide significant information to prevent relapse and maintain the recovery process of alcoholics.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychiatric comorbidity rates, severity of psychological disorders, and factors predicting cormorbidities in disaster victims with PTSD.
Three hundred and fifty-three disaster victims who scored over the threshold to be classified as potentially meeting criteria for PTSD were selected data from Long-term Investigation of Disaster Victims and Development of Life-Friendly Relief Policy Technology in South Korea.
First, total comorbidity rate of depression or anxiety disorder only and both depression and anxiety disorder in individuals with PTSD was found in 37.4%. Second, the severity of psychological disorders increased with the number of comorbid disorders. Third, factors predicting comorbidities were sex (women), marital status (unmarried), economic distress (monthly income reduction and recipient of basic living) and low resilience.
The findings may help to identify vulnerable individuals that may develop other psychological disorders in individuals with PTSD and maximize treatment effects.
This study aimed to evaluate relationships between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms, depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, impulsiveness, burnout, self-esteem and quality of life and social sorkers group in Korea.
A set of questionnaires were provided to a total of 153 social workers and 454 other participants as a comparison group. All subjects were evaluated using the Korean Adult Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Scales, the Beck’s Depression Inventory, Beck’s Scale of Suicide Ideation, Beck’s Anxiety Inventory, Baratt’ Impulsiveness Scale, Maslach Burnout Inventory, Rosenberg‘s Self-esteem Inventory, Quality of Life Scale.
The participants who belonged to the social workers group were more likely to demonstrate the symptoms of ADHD and higher levels of depression, suicide idea, anxiety, impulsiveness, burnout and lower levels of self-esteem, quality of life. Further, the results of logistic regression analysis confirmed the association between the social workers group and ADHD symptoms, depression, self-esteem.
Timely and effective evaluation and treatment of ADHD, self-esteem, as well as depression was required for social workers.
The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effects of resilience on the relation between interpersonal stress and binge eating behavior in female college students.
We investigated the relationships among interpersonal stress, resilience, and binge eating behavior of 213 female college students, and examined the moderating effects of resilience and its subcomponents (sense of control, sociality, and positivity) on the relationship between interpersonal stress and binge eating behavior through hierarchical multiple regression analysis.
Firstly, interpersonal stress indicated significant negative correlation with resilience and indicated significant positive correlation with binge eating behavior. Resilience and binge eating behavior indicated significant negative correlation. Secondly, resilience did not moderate the relation between interpersonal stress and binge eating behavior of female college students. However, the sense of control, an aspect of resilience, moderated the relationship between interpersonal stress and binge eating behavior of female college students.
The results of this study suggest that higher interpersonal stress may increase the risk for binge eating behavior and that higher resilience may protect against binge eating behavior. The sense of control, an aspect of resilience, may enhance associations between interpersonal stress and binge eating behaviors in female college students.
This study aims to explore the relations of psychological characteristics of golfing and psychological protective factors proven in previous studies to golf stresses of amateur golfers.
The participants were 204 amateur golfers. Data were analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise regression analysis using SPSS 23.0.
The results indicated that academic and intuitive approaches styles, golf-efficacy, and physical or social expectancy for golfing were positively correlated with golf stresses. Resilience and self-regulation were negatively correlated with golf stresses. Stepwise regression analysis showed that norm regulation accounted 35.5% variance of golf stresses, and confidence in golf, self-confidence, composure regulation, and cognitive approach to golf were also predictors.
Since this study has been conducted on an exploratory basis, some results of this study must be reverified, and a number of studies are expected to conduct based on the results.
The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of resilience and social support to analyze that call center consultants’ emotional labor impacts on the burnout.
A survey questionnaire was conducted to people who work at call center in Gwangju and Deagu. The data from 444 were analyzed.
The result from the hierarchical multiple regression is as follows. First, deep acting decreased burnout, but surface acting of emotional labor increased burnout. Also, frequency of emotion display, variety of emotion required to be expressed and attentiveness to required display rules increased burnout. Second, Resilience had moderating effect between deep acting and burnout. Third, the moderate effect of interaction of social support from leader with surface action was found at burnout. Also, moderating effect of social support from leader were shown in frequency of emotion display with burnout and attentiveness to required display rules with burnout. Fourth, social support from colleague did not have buffering effect on emotional labor and burnout.
It is expected that the moderator variables identified in this study can be used for prevention and treatment of burnout caused by emotional labor.
항상성을 깨트리는 스트레스성 자극에 대한 신체 반응은 개인의 성격, 후생학적 요인, 단일유전자변이 차이에 따라 다양하다. 스트레스에 민감한 성격의 소유자 일수록 다양한 스트레스성 질환 발병 가능성이 높으며 이에 대한 연구는 많이 보고되어 있다. 하지만, 스트레스 회복 탄력성을 지닌 성격타입 및 신경 내분비학적 기전에 관한 연구는 드물다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 해로운 스트레스를 좋은 스트레스로 바꿀 수 있는 새로운 E 타입의 성격을 제안하고자 한다. 긍정적 스트레스란 스트레스의 종류에 따라 구분되는 것이 아니라 그것을 어떻게 지각하는가에 따라 결정되는데, E 타입 성격의 소유자는 ‘할 수 있다’는 긍정적인 관점과 감사할 줄 아는 마음을 지녔고, 주변 사람들에게 이타적이며, 사회적 지지를 받으며 정서적 의사소통을 원활히 하고 종교적, 봉사 활동에 적극 참여한다. 이로 인해, 스트레스 자극에 의한 긴장상황에서 스트레스 반응을 짧은 기간내에 정상화시키며 소멸시키는데, 도파민, 엔돌핀, 세로토닌, 옥시토신과 같은 긍정호르몬이 분비되어 신체가 생리적, 행동적 변화를 통해 심신의 항상성과 균형을 잘 유지시켜 환경에 잘 적응하고 삶의 만족도를 높이도록 한다.
This study explored how the personal and job characteristics, professionalism, organizational commitment and depression of public social work officials affect their job satisfaction in Korea.
296 samples were selected from the raw data of the public social work officials working in the Seoul-Gyeonggi metropolitan area, which were collected by a research center in Korea, for this study. It conducted multiple regression analysis.
As results of the augmented regression analysis, gender, organizational commitment and depression were key factors to determine the job satisfaction of social work public officials in Korea.
Findings of this study recommended us policy and administrative implications to increase their job satisfaction.