The purpose of the study was to test the moderating role of self-control in the relationship between daily stress and online social networking addiction of adolescents.
The daily stress scale, online social networking addiction scale, and self-control scale were administered to a sample of 225 adolescents. The data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and SPSS PROCESS macro.
The results were as follows: First, correlation analysis was conducted to examine the relationship among daily stress, self-control, and online social networking addiction. Daily stress was significantly positively correlated with online social networking addiction. In contrast, self-control was significantly negatively correlated with daily stress. Second, the interaction between self-control and daily stress played a more prominent role in protecting against online social networking addiction in adolescents who reported lower daily stress than those who reported higher daily stress.
This result suggested that it is necessary to strengthen the positive aspects of self-control to adolescents who have difficulty managing their online social networking addiction.
본 연구는 부모-자녀 관계와 관련된 양적 변수에 따라 구분된 각 그룹들에서 부모자녀 갈등의 주제, 갈등상황에서 부모의 인식과 반응의 질적인 차이를 확인하고자 시도되었다. 국내 5개 도시에서 청소년 자녀를 둔 부모 103명이 부모효능감, 부모-자녀 의사소통, 부모-자녀 관계, 부모-자녀 갈등, 부모스트레스 관련 온라인 설문에 참여하였고, 이들은 청소년 자녀와의 갈등상황을 직접 기술하였다. 5개 변수의 군집분석결과 두 개의 그룹으로 분류되었고 두 그룹의 부모들은 모두 청소년 자녀와 갈등상황에서 실망, 분노, 걱정, 좌절 등의 감정을 경험하였으나 갈등을 인식하고 반응하는 양상에서는 차이가 있었다. 본 연구결과는 향후 부모자녀 관계를 향상시키기 위한 부모교육프로그램 구성의 기초자료가 될 것이다.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of body image distortion on health behaviors practice in high school students.
This study used a secondary data analysis study with the data derived from the 2019 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey. The study sample included 20,787 high school students. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS program using Rao-Scott
The prevalence of adolescents with body image distortion was 24.5% in this study. Health behaviors practice had significant differences according to body image distortion (t=10.29, p<.001), and the score for health behaviors practice in adolescents with body image distortion was lower than those without body image distortion. Gender, grade, school type, school achievement, economic status, and perceived health state were found to be significantly related to health behaviors practice. After controlling significant variables, body image distortion (b=.14, p<.001) was significantly related to health behaviors practice in adolescents, accounting for 4.0% of the variance in health behaviors practice (Wald F=52.75, p<.001).
These findings suggest that body image distortion has negative effects on health behaviors practice and healthcare professionals need to consider enhancing body image for improvement of health behaviors practice in adolescents.
This study aims to examine the influence of stressors on initiation and repetition of serious juvenile delinquency, and to provide grounds for intervention.
For these purposes, 8,418 responses from the “A study on supporting mental health promotion for children and adolescents” data of the National Youth Policy Institute (NYPI) were utilized.
The results indicate that (1) 27.5% of adolescents experienced serious juvenile delinquency, (2) family and teacher relationship stress, and appearance stress were associated with the initiation of serious juvenile delinquency, and (3) All relationship stressors; family, teacher, peer, and senior-junior relationship stress had a significant effect on the repetition of serious juvenile delinquency.
Regarding these findings, implications for intervention and further research were provided.
The present study aimed to explore psychometric properties of Korean version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory for Children-Revised (PTGI-C-R), and related variables.
The PTGI-C-R was translated into Korean and 716 children and adolescents in a general population sample completed a self-report battery.
361 participants reported experiencing of traumatic event and 145 among them showed clinical symptoms. In clinical group, Korean version of PTGI-C-R has exhibited good internal consistency and construct validity. Those who experienced traumatic event reported more PTG than unexperienced group. PTG was positively related with resilience, optimism, and rumination, but negatively related with depression and anxiety, also nonlinearly related with intensity of perceived stress.
This study found the distinct changes of PTG from normative maturation by comparing those who experienced traumatic event and those who did not.