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3 "자아존중감"
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Original Articles
The Effect of Parents’ Negative Parenting Style on Aggression among Adolescents: The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem and Smartphone Dependency
Eun Jung Bae, Soo-Hyun Nam
STRESS. 2023;31(1):18-24.   Published online March 31, 2023
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This study investigates the serial mediation of self-esteem and smartphone dependency in the relationship between negative parenting style and adolescents’ aggression.
We conducted a secondary data analysis of the 2018 Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) and used the data of first-year middle school students. A mediation analysis was conducted using Hayes’ SPSS PROCESS Macro (Model 6).
The mediation of smartphone dependency was significant in the relationship between parents’ negative parenting style and aggression, but the mediation of self-esteem was not. Negative parenting style significantly affected adolescents’ aggression through the sequential mediation of self-esteem and smartphone dependency.
Appropriate interventions should be prepared to help adolescents increase their self-esteem and reduce smartphone dependency, thus reducing the aggression that a negative parenting style induces.


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  • Correlation between Parental Hostility and Child Self-Control and Aggression
    Sun Yee Yoo, Hye Young Ahn
    Healthcare.2023; 11(17): 2433.     CrossRef
  • Moderating Effects of Emotional Recognition Competency in Rejective Parenting and Adolescent Depression and Aggression
    Jaeeun Shin, Sung Man Bae
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2023; 20(18): 6775.     CrossRef
Emotional Labor and its Related Factors in Nurses in the Outpatient Department
Eun-Jeong Ma, Kuemsun Han
STRESS. 2020;28(3):160-166.   Published online September 30, 2020
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본 연구는 외래근무 간호사의 감정노동과 관련요인의 관계를 규명하기 위한 서술적 상관관계연구이다. 대상자는 서울, 경기 지역 대학병원에서 근무하는 외래간호사 236명으로 하였으며, 감정노동과 관련요인(직무자율성, 사회적 지지, 자아존중감, 감성지능, 정서상태, 지각된 감정요구)에 대한 척도를 사용하였다. 지각된 감정 요구도가 높을수록 감정노동 정도가 높고, 직무자율성, 자아존중감이 높을수록 감정노동 정도가 낮게 나타났다. 감정노동 설명 요인을 확인하기 위한 다중회귀분석 결과, 자아존중감과 지각된 감정요구는 감정노동을 30.9% 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 간호관리자와 병원경영자는 외래근무 간호사의 감정노동과 관련요인의 부정적 효과를 최소화하고, 감정노동을 감소시키기 위한 교육프로그램 개발이 요구된다.


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  • Relationship between Emotional Labor Behaviors and Professionalism Levels in Nursing Students: A Case Study From The Faculty of Health Sciences and A Vocational School of Health
    Ayşe KARADAŞ, Songül DURAN, Serap KAYNAK
    Balıkesır Health Sciences Journal.2021; 10(3): 302.     CrossRef
  • The Moderating Effects of Self-esteem and Ego-resilience on the Relationship between Emotional Labor, Depressive Symptom, and Job Satisfaction in Nurses
    Taeyoun Kim, Kuem Sun Han
    Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2021; 30(3): 209.     CrossRef
  • The Experience of Emotional Labor and Its Related Factors among Nurses in General Hospital Settings in Republic of Korea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Da-Jung Ha, Jung-Hyun Park, Su-Eun Jung, Boram Lee, Myo-Sung Kim, Kyo-Lin Sim, Yung-Hyun Choi, Chan-Young Kwon
    Sustainability.2021; 13(21): 11634.     CrossRef
The Mediating Effect of Mindfulness in the Relationship between Self-Esteem and Burnout among Clinical Nurses
Hanju Bea, Heekyung Chang, Young Eun
STRESS. 2018;26(3):243-249.   Published online September 30, 2018
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The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of mindfulness on the relationships between self-esteem and burnout among nurses.


A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was conducted using purposive sampling of 132 nurses at two university hospitals in J city and C city. It was analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 20.0 program.


There were significant correlations among self-esteem, mindfulness and burnout. Self-esteem and mindfulness were negatively correlated with burnout among nurses. Mindfulness acts as a mediator in explaining relationship between self-esteem and burnout.


Our results provide evidence for the role of mindfulness in the relationship between self-esteem and burnout in professional nurses. Mindfulness appears to be a protective factor against nurses’ burnout. The results of this study suggest that mindfulness training intervention suitable for nurses would be useful to reduce nurses’ high levels of job burnout and risk of turnover and increase patients’ satisfaction with their care.


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  • Nursing Students’ Grit, Socio-Cognitive Mindfulness, and Achievement Emotions: Mediating Effects of Socio-Cognitive Mindfulness
    Mikyoung Lee
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(5): 3032.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Stress on Quality of Life of Shift Nurses in Tertiary General Hospital: The Mediating Effect of Mindfulness
    Eunhee Hwang
    Healthcare.2022; 11(1): 71.     CrossRef
  • Relationships among Person-Centered Care Competence, Empathy, Mindfulness and Difficulties in Emotional Regulation among Undergraduate Nursing Students
    Hee Kyung Chang, Young Joo Do, Sang Mi Han, Bo Ram Kim
    Korean Journal of Stress Research.2021; 29(2): 97.     CrossRef