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Impact of Frailty, Depression, and Loneliness on Ego-Integrity in Community-Dwelling Elderly
Seon Ju Song, Sung Hee Ko, Ji Young Kim, Hyun Kyung Kim
STRESS. 2022;30(3):139-146.   Published online September 30, 2022
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This study examined how frailty, depression, and loneliness impact ego-integrity among the community-dwelling elderly
The study participants comprised 187 elderly people in J-province. Data collected in October 2018 via structured self-report questionnaires were used to assess the participants’ general characteristics, frailty, depression, loneliness, and ego-integrity. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and multiple regression.
Significantly positive correlations were found among frailty, depression, and loneliness. Ego-integrity showed significantly negative correlations with frailty, depression, and loneliness. Finally, loneliness was a significant factor, explaining about 28.7% of the variance on ego-identity.
The study’s findings suggest that an intervention focused on reducing loneliness would improve ego-integrity among the elderly.
The Parallel Multiple Mediating Effects of Work-Family Conflict and Loneliness in the Relationship between Temperaments, Depression, and Anxiety while Working from Home
Yeeun Hwang, Yejin Cho, Yuseung Choi, Myoung-Ho Hyun
STRESS. 2022;30(2):75-84.   Published online June 30, 2022
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As the number of people working from home has increased since the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to understand workers’ stress and psychological state while working from home. Work-family conflict and loneliness may be related to working from home, and they could be experienced differently depending on individual traits. Therefore, this study examined the parallel multiple mediating effects of work-family conflict and loneliness in the relationship between personal temperaments and negative emotions such as depression and anxiety.
Data were collected online from people currently working from home for at least one month, more than once per week. They answered K-DASS-21, UCLA loneliness scale, Work-Family Conflict, and FCB-TI. Only four temperaments were used in the statistic step: Briskness and Sense sensitivity as protective factors and Perseveration and Emotional reactivity as vulnerable factors. The multiple mediating effects were analyzed independently by using the PROCESS macro.
Firstly, Briskness and Sense sensitivity were found to negatively affect depression and anxiety while working from home by significantly mediating work-family conflict and loneliness. Thus, these temperaments would be protective factors while working from home. Secondly, Perseveration and Emotional reactivity positively influenced both negative emotions by mediating two mediation variables, which means that both temperaments are vulnerable factors.
The results suggest that personality traits can impact how people experience stress and negative emotions in working situations, leading to negative psychological states. Consequently, personal temperaments would be important to understand relationships between environments and internal experiences.


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  • The Dual Mediation Effect of Evaluative Concerns Perfectionism and Mindfulness in the Relationship between Temperament and Depression among Office Workers
    SeoYeon Park, Yejin Cho, Myoung-Ho Hyun
    STRESS.2023; 31(2): 87.     CrossRef
The Effects of Loneliness on Paranoia: A Mediating Effect of Self-Concept
Moonseob Park, Myoung-Ho Hyun
STRESS. 2020;28(2):84-89.   Published online June 30, 2020
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Although there is a relationship between paranoia and loneliness in several studies, the mechanisms that explain how loneliness augments paranoia remain unclear. The study investigates the effects of self-concept in the relationship between loneliness and paranoia.


149 participants (male N=70, female N=79, mean age: 22.05 years) completed the questionnaires measuring levels of loneliness, self-concept, and paranoia.


Data from this study show that loneliness has a significantly negative effect on self-concept and positive effect on paranoia. Self-concept has a significantly negative effect on paranoia. Also, it was analyzed that meditating effect on self-concept is significant on the relationship between loneliness and paranoia


Based on the result of this study, it was confirmed that loneliness could activate self-concept negatively, which leads to an increase in paranoia. Also, current results suggested that in the treatment of paranoia, it was important to deal with feeling of loneliness as well as intervention in self-concept.