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The Mediating Role of Anger Rumination in the Relationship between Job Stress and Problem Drinking among Community-Oriented Police Officers
Dawon Jang, Myoung-Ho Hyun
STRESS. 2023;31(2):81-86.   Published online June 30, 2023
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This study investigated the mediating effect of anger rumination in the relationship between job stress and problem drinking among community-oriented police officers.
The study participants were 107 community-oriented police officers working in local police stations and substations in the Seoul-Gyeonggi area. Participants completed the Police Job Stress Scale, Anger Rumination Scale (K-ARS), and Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). Data was collected from September to October 2022, and the mediation analysis was performed using SPSS PROCESS Macro model 4.
Analysis showed that anger rumination fully mediates the relationship between job stress and problem drinking among community-oriented police officers.
This study emphasizes the importance of interventions or treatments that address both job stress and anger rumination for community-oriented police officers with alcohol-related problems. Such interventions can contribute to preventing and managing problem drinking that threatens the well-being of individual police officers and the police organization.
The Effect of Anger Rumination on Interpersonal Problem: The Moderated Mediating Effect of Dysfunctional Anger Expression and Effortful Control
Kyu Young Son, Eun Young Park
STRESS. 2020;28(4):179-187.   Published online December 31, 2020
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The Effects of Pathological Narcissism on Social Anxiety: Mediation Effects of Difference of Self-Presentational Motivation and Self-Presentational Expectation and Anger Rumination
Yong Hee Kim
STRESS. 2019;27(4):304-312.   Published online December 31, 2019
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The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of pathological narcissism on social anxiety, and the dual mediating effects of difference of self-presentation motivation and self-presentation expectancies and anger rumination.


A total of 307 college students participated in this study by completing the questionnaires and to solve the research questions, AMOS and bootstrapping analysis was employed.


First, pathological narcissism had a significant interrelation to self-presentation motivation, self-presentation expectancies, anger rumination, and social anxiety. Second, it was confirmed that pathological narcissism affected social anxiety by mediating both difference of self-presentation motivation and self-presentation expectancies and anger rumination. Third, the dual mediating effects of difference of self-presentation motivation and self-presentation expectancies and anger rumination on the relationship between pathological narcissism and social anxiety was found.


Implication for empirical research and clinical practice regarding treatment of clients with pathological narcissism and social anxiety are discussed. Limitation of current research and suggestions for future study are discussed.

The Relationship between the Decentering and Forgiveness: The Moderating Effect of Reflective Response Style and the Mediating Effect of Anger Rumination
Jiwon Shin, Youngho Lee
STRESS. 2019;27(1):36-45.   Published online March 31, 2019
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  • 1 Citations
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The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of anger rumination between decentering and forgiveness, and the moderating effect of reflective response style.


The subjects of this study were 231 college students who were assessed by the Experiences Questionnaire (EQ), the Response to Depressed mood Questionnaire (RDQ), the Korean Anger Rumination Scale (K-ARS), and the Enright Forgiveness Inventory (EFI).


First, anger rumination partially mediated the relationship between decentering and forgiveness, and subfactors of anger rumination showed distinct mediating effect on the relationship between decentering and forgiveness. Rumination of cause did not have any mediating effect on the relationship between the decentering and forgiveness. But rumination of revenge showed a full mediating effect. Anger memories rumination showed partial mediating effect. Second, the total score of reflective response style had moderating effect on the relation between decentering and anger rumination. Objective reflection, which was a subfactor of reflective response style also showed moderating effect, but the feature of effect was different.


These results suggested the importance of decentering and objective reflection in order to increase forgiveness. The implication of this study and further suggestions for future studies were discussed.


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  • The Effect of Anger Rumination on Interpersonal Problem: The Moderated Mediating Effect of Dysfunctional Anger Expression and Effortful Control
    Kyu Young Son, Eun Young Park
    Stress.2020; 28(4): 179.     CrossRef