The current study aimed to investigate the reliability and validity of the Self Rated Abilities for Health Practices: Health Self-Efficacy Measure (SRAHP), originally developed by Becker
Two hundred and seventy-eight college students participated in this study.
The inter-item reliability was high (Cronbach alpha=0.909). Factor analysis produced 6 factors of subscales (i.e., exercise, illness, emotion, nutrition, stress, and health practice subscales), which is more ramified compared to original study with 4 subscales (i.e., exercise, well-being, nutrition, health practices). The correlation analyses between K-SRAHP and the self-promoting lifestyle profile, the generalized self-efficacy scale, the perceived benefits scale, and the social desirability scale supported criterion-related validity.
The reliability and validity of K-SRAHP to measure self-efficacy of health practice was validated. Additionally, the limitations and suggestions for further studies were provided.
Recent national survey data suggest that lifetime prevalence of mental disorders are on the rise in South Korea while utilization of mental health services remains low. These results are disconcerting, and it is critical to find ways to increase access to mental health services and service utilization. One emerging solution is to provide psychological intervention via the Internet, and wide use of computer and mobile devices makes video-counseling a low-cost alternative to traditional face-to-face psychotherapy. In the current study, a total of 190 adults completed a questionnaire assessing the history of mental illness, experience with psychotherapy, and attitudes towards video-counseling, mainly focusing on treatment needs, future service utilization, effectiveness, and cost. Results suggest that participants endorsed the pros more strongly than the cons of video-counseling. Specifically, participants reported accessibility, privacy, and convenience as major strengths, and provider credentials and reduced confidentiality as major weaknesses. Limitations of the current study and recommendations for implementing online counseling service are further discussed.
가정폭력 피해 여성을 위해 개발한 기존 치료 프로그램의 효과와 만족도가 높음에도 불구하고, 프로그램 중도 탈락률은 70퍼센트에 탈하였다. 본 연구에서는 참여자의 치료 참여율을 높이기 위해, 변증법적 행동치료에 기초한 개입전략을 개발하였다. 개입을 하지 않은 집단과 비교했을 때 개입을 한 집단에서 전반적인 참여율 상승은 나타나지 않았다. 그러나, 개입집단에서 치료를 완료한 연구참여자의 비율이 높았다(개입집단 46%, 비개입집단 28%). 추가적으로 본 연구의 함의와 이후 연구를 위한 제안을 논의하였다.