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Volume 9(2); December 2001
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Original Articles
Effects of high intensity treadmill exercise on immune function in Sprague-Dawley rats
Snm-Jun Lee, Hong Kim, Sung-Soo Kim, Mi-Hyeon Jang*, Baek-Vin Lim*, Min-Chul Shin*, Hyun-Bae Kim*, Chang-Ju Kim*
Korean J Str Res. 2001;9(2):1-8.   Published online December 30, 2001
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Effect of aromatherapy on anxiety and stress response of nursing stu-dents experiencing the first clinical practice
Kang Jiyeon, Kim Keum-Soon*, Kim Hyun-Sook**
Korean J Str Res. 2001;9(2):9-18.   Published online December 30, 2001
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The purpose of this study was to invesigate the effect of aromatherapy of the anxiety and stress response of nursing students who were undergoing the first clinical practice. A non-equivalent pretest-posttest design was used. The study subjects were conveniently selected 46 nursing students and they were assigned into experimental and control group. The aromatherapy was given to the experimental group for five consecutive days while the control group took rest only. Baseline data including pre-treatment anxiety and stress response scores were obtained on the night before the first clinical practice. Post-treatment anxiety and stress response scores were measured on the fifth day of clinical practice.
are as follow : 1. The anxienty score of experimental group was significantly lower than that of control group. 2. The total stress response score of experimental group was significantly lower than that of control group. 3. Among 10 subscales of SOS scale, 3(depression, anxiety/fear, emotional irritability) subscales related to emotional or psychological stress response showed significant differences between expeimental and control group following aromatherapy. The above results indicate that aromatherapy using selected essential oils to be an effective intervention for relieving anxiety and stress response of nursing students experiencing the first clinical practice.
The Moderating effects of supervisor's family-supportive social support and perceived work flexibility on the work stress-employee burnout relationship
Jong-Mok Lee, Eun-Hee Lee
Korean J Str Res. 2001;9(2):19-30.   Published online December 30, 2001
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This study examined the moderating effect of supervisor's family-supportive social support and perceived work flexibility on the relationship between work stressors and employee burnout among a sample of 77 employed parents in dual-earner couples. Data were analysed separately for husbands and wives. Job conflict and supervisor's family-supportive social support were found fo be a significant perdictors of burnout in husbands. Supervisor's family-supportive social support and perceived work found to be a significant predictors of burnout in wives. Supervisor's family-supportive social support was shown to moderate the relationship between job conflict and burnout in wives, Implications of these findings for dual-earner couples' stress management practice and organizational level stress intervention politics are discused.
The effect of perfectionism and intro-extroversion of Personality on neg-ative emotion after stressful experience
Yong Mae Baik, Yang Su Na
Korean J Str Res. 2001;9(2):31-40.   Published online December 30, 2001
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This study investigated the effect of perfectionism and introversive - extroversive personality on negative emotion after stressful experience. Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale(MPS), Myers Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) were administered to 503 college students. After dividing introversive-self-oriented perfectionists group, extroversive - self-oriented perfectionists group, introversive-socially perscribed perfectionists group, extroversive-socially perscribed perfectionists group, introversive-nonperfectionists group, extroversive- nonperfectionists group on a basis of the MPS and MBTI scores, subjects experienced stressful examination induced by Levin's discrimination task. Then subjects responded to the MAACL(Multiple Affect Adjestive Check List), before and after stressful experience. The major findings of the persent study were as follows: First, perfectionist group showed a higher level of negative emotion, especially anger and depressive affect than nonperfectionist group after stressful experience. Second, self-oriented perfectionist group showed a higher level of negative emotion and depressive affect than socially prescribed perfectionist group, after stressful experience. Third, there were no differences in the level of negative emotion between extroversive-perfectionist group and introversive-perfectionist group after stressful experience. The suggestions and the limitations of this study, and the directions of future study were discussed.
Perceived sources and coping methods of stress in a population of uni-versity students in Korea
Chu Jong Phil, Min Byung Il*, Park Sung Gyun**
Korean J Str Res. 2001;9(2):41-50.   Published online December 30, 2001
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It has been well known that most high-school students have been suffering due to the excessive burden(or stress) of study to get into university in Korea. Many studies have been reported on the stress of elementary and high-school students, However, there has not been enough study on the effects of stress, both the kinds and coping methods, on university students. The purpose of our study was to investigate the perceive sources and relieving methods of the stress in a population of university students in Korea. Four hundred forty one students(188 male, 253 female) were investigated randomly using the approadching method of Van Kaam. Questionnaires were made to describe a circumstance or an environment when they felt a stress. The data was analyzed by Colaizzi method. The results we obtained are as follows: The highest source of stress was shown to be study, at 42.6%. The second was human relationships, at 35.4%. The third was conflicts with their families, at 21.8%. The most frequent coping method of the stress was revealed to be recreation such as singing a song, dancing, watching a movie or video tape followed by positive thinking. These values were 37.9% and 32.9% respectively. The third coping method was revealed to be talking with other people, at 26.8%. From these results we concluded that the highest source of stress in university students can be still study, and the most frequent coping method of the stress for the Korean university students can be recreation.
A Study on the Relationship among Parent Adolescent Communication, Family Function and Mental Health in Adolescent
Hae-Ja Kang, Gil-Za Lee
Korean J Str Res. 2001;9(2):51-60.   Published online December 30, 2001
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The purpose of this study is to designed the ralationships among parent adolescent communication, family function and mental health in adolescent in order to identify nursing strategies to improve the mental health and family therapy of adolescent. The sampling subject of the study are 431 Students from the high school located in Pusan Metropolitan City. The sampling period was from November of 2000 to December of 2000 (one month). The research methods used for this study were PAC(Parent Adolescent Communication), FACES (Family Adaptability Cohesion Evaluation Scale), and SCL-90-R (Symptom Check List -90 Revision) (1984). The data were analyzed by using SPSS/PC+(mean, S.D,t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation). The results of the study were as follows; 1. The mean value was 3.39 ± .50 in Parent Adolescent Communication, father's open type mean value was 3.17 ± .70, father's problem type mean value was 3.52 ± .52, mother's open type mean value was 3.39 ± .69, mother's problem type mean value was 3.48 ± .50. The Family Function was divided into the cohesion and adaptability, the mean value of cohesion and adaptability were 3.39 ± .72 and 3.30 ±.67, respectively, The mean value of Mental Health was .84 ± .58. 2. There were significant correlations, between Parent Adolescent Communication and Family Function (r=.720, p=.001), between Parent Adolescent Communication and Mental Health(r=.373, P=.000), between Family Function and Mental Health(r=.295, P=.000).
A Study of Job Stress and Satisfacton of the Clinical Nurses
Hyun Sil Lee, Heui Ja Moon*
Korean J Str Res. 2001;9(2):61-74.   Published online December 30, 2001
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This study was aimed to help clinical nurses to establish affirmative self-concept and identity and provide basic materials helpful in the developement of nursing profession and effective person managementf of nursing organization by understanding the relation between the degree of job stress and the degree of job satisfaction perceived by clinical nurses and their elements. 350 clinical nurses working in general hospitals having over 400 beds in the Seoul have provided the materials through convenient sampling method which is the method of non-probability sampling. The materials have been collected from Sep. 04 ~ Sep. 30, 2000(27 days) by visiting the office of nursing division of the hospitals to distribute the question papers. The research tool developed by Koo, Mi Ok and Kim, Mae Ja as the one measuring the job stress was used after complementing, and the job satisfaction research tool which was developed by 3 persons including Slavitt, and used by Kim, Sook Ja has been used after partial revision and comlement. The structure of the tool has 13 items on general characters, 45 stress items, 32 job satisfaction degree items. The meterials were analyzed by SPSS PC + after computerization and general characters by actual number and percentage and job stress and degree of job satisfaction by average and standard deviation. Variables shown by comparing job stress to job satisfaction degree according to general characters of the nurses have been analyzed by t-test of F-test(ANOVA) and the variables shown the significant difference was tested by Duncan's Multiple Range test(DMR). The effect of job stress to job satisfaction was analyzed by stepwise multiple regression. The results of this study were as the follows ; 1) Average point of the job stress degree of clinical nurses was 3.54 while job satisfaction degree point was 2.95 in averagel. 2) There was no significant difference between general characters and job stress of clinical nurses(p>.05). 3) The relation between general characters and job stress significant difference according to age, marital status, number of children, religion, present position, career at present jog, the present hospital, total nursing career, present nursing department, motive of choosing the nursing service, and expected years of nurse showed significant difference(p<.05). The following groups showed the higher job satisfaction degree such as the group with high aged, the married group, high educated group, the group of over the position of charge nurse, group with long career at current job(Over 16 years), group with long career at current department(Over 11 years) and the group wishing to work as long as they are permittted. 4) The correlation between job stress and job satisfaction degree was : "Discords with medical doctor, one of the job stress elements", and "administration", one of the job satisfaction elements, showed higher negative correlation by r=-.370 between them. 5) The analysis of job stress elements influencing on jog satisfaction of clinical nurse the followings are the important elements ; 6 elements are items related with the duty schedule, discords with medical doctors, lack of professional knowledge and skill, psychological burden on the medical limitation, items related with the patients, and the remuneration of the nurse and such 6 elements appeared to be explaining the job satisfaction degree by 20%.
The Effects of Dahnjeon Respiration Session on Physical and Psychological Anxiety Level
Kyeongwan Lee, Juna Byun*
Korean J Str Res. 2001;9(2):75-86.   Published online December 30, 2001
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The study, a quasi-experimental research of nonequivalent control group protest-postest design, was conducted in order to develop a Korean cultural nursing intervention to reduce anxiety levels. The study conducted with 100 male adults who are trained at Seoul Kuksundo headquarter and Chonju Kuksundo branch office from August to October, 1998. The anxiety levels were measured just before and after training for study group (N=50) and shortly before and after the resting for control group (N=50) by employing the Korean version of the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (Hamilton 1959) for physical symptom of anxiety and the State Anxiety Inventory (Spielbergar 1972) for psychological symptom. The results were as follow : There were significant psychological anxiety levels in study group but not in control group. And also there were significant differences in psychological anxiety levels between two groups(t=-12.40, p=0.000) in terms of differences between pre and post levels of study group(-3.68±5.748) and control group(1.72±5.039) but not in physical anxiety level. To conclude, this study found that the Dahnjeon Respiration Session as a way of Korean cultural nursing intervention was somewhat effective to reduce psychological anxiety level.