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Volume 8(1); June 2000
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Original Articles
Andrea W. Koepke, R.N.,Ph.D
Korean J Str Res. 2000;8(1):1-4.   Published online June 30, 2000
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The Antistress Effect of Aromatic Essential Oil Measured by ABR (Autonomic Bioelectric Response) Recorder
Hong Keuh Oh, M.D., Ph.D, Ki Chul Sohn, Ph.D, Jung Ho Kim, Ph.D
Korean J Str Res. 2000;8(1):5-8.   Published online June 30, 2000
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Aromatic therapy has been well known as a useful therapeutic tool for controlling stress since the development of aromatherapy. This study was designed for the measurement of antistress effect of an aromatic essential oil (clary sage) with ABR (autonomic bioeletric response) recorder as an estimated tool. We could find that the aromatic essential oil, clary sage, was significantly effective to reduce the stress (as measured by Activity Index of ABR) on the lower part of our body. We discuss the result and the limitations of this study.
An Experimental Study on the effects of Guibiondamtang on Animal Model of Depression using Chronic Mild Stress
Chung Hoon Cho, Jong Woo Kim, Wei Wan Whang, Hyun Jae Sung*, Hyun Taek Kim**, So Young Kwak**
Korean J Str Res. 2000;8(1):9-16.   Published online June 30, 2000
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Objective: This study was designed to assess antidepressant effects on Guibiondamtang of Animal Model of Depression using Chronic Mild Stress.
Chronic exposure to a variety of mild unpredictable stress such as loud noise, flashing lights and restriction of food and water, the present study used the consumption of 1% sucrose solution and Morris water maze to evaluate the effect on anhedonia and memory retardation. The consumption of 1% sucrose solution was detected once a week for 4 weeks. and Morris water maze was executed after 4 weeks treatment of saline and Guibiondamtang.
Guibiondamtang was associated with a significantly with a significantly greater increase consumption of sucrose solution in rats exposed to Chronic Mild Stress(CMS) than control group.
These results suggest that Guibiondamtang may have significant antidepressant effects as well as a preventative effect on the memory impairment of depression.
Correlational Study among Healthy Life Style, Self-Esteem, Perceived Health Status in Korean Elederly
Pyoung Sook Lee
Korean J Str Res. 2000;8(1):17-26.   Published online June 30, 2000
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The puspose of this study was to identify the relationship of Healthy Life Style, Self-Esteem, Perceived Health Status in Korean Elderly. The sample was composed of 283 healthy elderly who lived in Seoul, Korea. Data were collected by Healthy lifestyle, Self-esteem scale, Perceived Health Status Scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficients, ANOVA. The results of this study are as follows: 1. There were significant positive correlation among healthy lifestyle(r=.26, P<.001), self-esteem(r=.21, P<.001) and perceived health status(r=.39, P<.001) in Korean Eldely. 2. There were significant differences in Healthy lifestyle depend on sex(t=6.29, P<.05), Religion(F=9.76, P<.001), and Economic Status(F=9.79, P<.001). 3. There were significant differences in self-esteem depend on Religion(F=6.87, P<.01), Education level(F=9.27, P<.001), Economic Status(F=12.65, p<.001), Spending Money(F=6.17, p<.001), the Living Arrangement (F=2.72, P<.05). 4. There were significant differences in Perceived health status depend on sex(t=3.86, p<.05), Age(F=13.90, p<.001), Marital status(t=9.92, p<.01), Religion(F=4.09, P<.05), Education level (F=19.10, P<.001), Economic Status(F=8.14, p<.001), Income(F=4.44, p<.01), Spending Money(F=5.81, p<.01), the Living arrangement(F=3.11, p<.05), Occupation(t=5.03, P<.05). From the results, demographic data, self-esteem and perceived health status were infuencing variables to healthy lirestyle in Korean Elderly.
Development of a health promotion program focused on stress self-regulation for middle aged women
Kuem Sun Han
Korean J Str Res. 2000;8(1):27-38.   Published online June 30, 2000
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The purposes of this study were to identify influencing factors oh health and quality of life in middle aged women, and to develop a health promotion program focused on self-regulationg stress. The subjects of this study were 33 middle aged women who lives in Seattle, Washington in U.S.Data collection was performed at the U.W from Oct. 1998 to May. 1999. Data collection time was one hour a data collected through 4 types of questionnaires : SOS, Health Promoting behaviors, Qualtiy of Life and Demographic data form, and Physiologic Stress Profile were collected by J&J I-410 bilfeedback equipment. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The level of physiological stress reaction and stress symptoms showed high level and quality of life showed low in general. 2. The stress symptoms showed significant negative correlation with promoting behavior, quality of life in the middle aged women. 3. The health promoting behavior showed significant positive correlation with quality of life in the middle aged women. 4. The health promotion program focused on stress self-regulating included physiological, cognitive-emotional, behavioral management, and daily health life style. The program consist of 12 sessions. From the results of the study, the following recommnendations are presented as follow" 1. It is suggested that the study for test a effect of the program on middle aged women in Korea. 2. It is necessary to broaden the scope of nursing practice for middle aged healthy women so nurses can include health promotion program focused on stress self-regulating as part nursing care.
The Effect of Dahnjeon Respiration Session on the Blood Sugar Levels- A Development of Korean Traditional Intervention-
Kyeong Wan Lee, Ju na Byun, Kum Jae Kim
Korean J Str Res. 2000;8(1):39-56.   Published online June 30, 2000
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This study is aimed at finding out the fact Dahnjeon Respiration Session, a Korean traditional method of respiration, is a very effective way for the control of blood sugar levels, and at seeking the basic data that can be applied as activity therapy for diabetic patients. This study, a quasi-experimental research of nonequivalent control group protest-postest design, was made with 100 male adults from 20 to 59 who were trained at Seoul-based Kuksundo headquarters and Chonju-based Kuksando branch office from August to October, 1998. The blood sugar levels were measured just before and after training and shortly before and after the break by using the MODEL GDK2767BC ONE TOUCH BASIC BLOOD GLUCOSE METER (LIFESCAN, 1998). The data analysis was computated by SPSS window Chi-square test, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, stepwise multple regression were used as statistical methods. The results were as follows : 1. The group that practised Dahnjeon Respiration Session hal lower blood sugar than the group that did not make the practice. The difference before and after training was -16.48(±8.692) in the experimental group, while the one before and after break was 1.14(±4.248) in the contrast group. There was a significant difference between the two groups(t=-13.61, p=0.000). 2. The explanatory variables of the change in the difference of blood sugar levels return to the order of training belt color and whether or not of the lasting of Dahnjeon Respiration Session. Only black training belt accounts for nearly 15%. It including whether or not of the lasting of Dahnjeon Respiration Session represents 27%. This result is significant (p<0.01). The results of the study confirmed that Dahnjeon Respiration Session in an effective activity therapy to decrease the blood sugar level, and a method of improving the health of one's body and mind. So, Dahnjeon Respiration Session can be used effectively for practical nursing as well as a continuous self nursing method.
The Effects of Stress Lecture on Stress Vulnerabllity and Stress Reactions of College Students
Jung Ho Kim
Korean J Str Res. 2000;8(1):57-64.   Published online June 30, 2000
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The present study examined the effects of Stress Lecture on stress related variables in college students. The students in 'Understanding and Management of Stress' class were assigned to experimental group (Stress Lecture Group) and the students in 'Psychology' class to control group (Psychology Lecture Group). Stress related variables were measured with stress vulerability test, stress reactions test, and positive reactions test. Stress vulnerability test consists of 7 subscales (Healthy Diet, Avoiding Alcohol and Cigarettes, Cigarettes, Emotional Well-Being, Relaxation and Enjoyment, Balance between Home Work, Self-Understanding and Acceptance), which measure the degree of health in everyday life style. Stress reactions test consists of 4 subcales (Emotional Reactions, Disruption of Though Processes, Physical Illness, Behavioral Signs), which measure various types of stress responses. Positive reactions test measures various responses which contrast with stress responses. The tests were given at the beginning and the end of the semester. The results were as follows. We could find that Stress Lecture Group showed more changes in more subscales of the tests than Phychology Lecture Group. Lastly we discuss these results and limitations of the present study.