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Volume 20(4); December 2012
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Review Articles
Psychological Symptoms and Therapy in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Sunghye Hwang, Mihyeon Kim, Miyeon Shin, Myoung-Ho Hyun
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):237-245.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The present study reviewed the findings of researches related to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). In order to fully understand CRPS, multidisciplinary work was required and most researchers agreed that psychological approach is important in the treatment of CRPS patients. However, there was lack of the systematic researches that explored psychological factors and application of psychological therapy in CRPS. This study reviewed definition, diagnostic criteria, symptoms, causes, and therapy of CRPS. It was particularly focused on causes in psychological aspects and psychological approach could be helpful in future therapy of CRPS. Finally, the implication of this study and further direction was discussed. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:237∼245)
Major Depressive Disorder and Biomarkers
Ran Won
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):247-255.   Published online December 31, 2012
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Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a genetically complicated disease and modulated by environment. A lot of mounting evidence suggests that circulating levels of peripheral biomarkers including growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, endocrine factors, and metabolic factors are changed and reversed by antidepressants in a state of MDD. Many studies identified specific region of genes and contributable alleles for MDD expression. Although there are many problems to be resolved, these approaches based on gene interaction and biological analysis suggest new and perspective investigation of diagnosis, treatment, and pathophysiology of MDD. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:247∼255)
Original Articles
Professional Role Conflict Experience of Perioperative Nurses through Nursing Performance
Jeong Seop Lee, Jeong Seon Kim
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):257-266.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to understand and explore the professional role conflict experience of nursing performance among operating room nurses. The data were analyzed by the use of Colaizzi method, one of qualitative studies in order to analyze the scrub nurses' experiences in changing jobs inductively, descriptively and phenomenological. The Results of Significant statements were derived from the protocol which were again clustered into 12 themes. Again, the 11 themes were categorized into 5, Tension of surgery: A heavy workload: Loss of nursing identity: Conflict in relations: Conflict in doctor. Based on these results, As the lack of operations-related expertise and skill raised operating room nurse tension, there is a need to run a systematic education program. Securing enough manpower is important because operating room nurses were under mental and physical stress due to the manpower shortage. In addition, it is necessary to create a caring atmosphere in the operating room and also to come up with the countermeasures against verbal abuses in the operating room. The result of this study may enlarge the knowledge about the professional role conflict experience of Nursing Performance and contribute to the identity of operating room nurses to understand in order to change the awareness of a nursing. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:257∼266)
Affecting Factors of Contraception Use among Korean Male Adolescents: Focused on Alcohol, Illicit Drug, Internet Use, and Sex Education
Min Young Kim*, Sunhee Cho&#;
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):267-277.   Published online December 31, 2012
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This study aimed to examine factors affecting contraception among Korean male adolescents. The analysis was performed using data from the 2011 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBS), which included a nationally representative sample of middle and high school students. Dependent variable was use of contraception, and independent variables were drinking, sexual behavior, using illicit drug, and internet use among 2,397 male respondents who experienced sexual intercourse. ANOVA and Logistic regression models were used to identify statistically significant factors after adjusting other covariates. lifetime alcohol use (x2=14.253, p=.013), alcohol use in the past 30 days (x2=14.129, p=.016), having been drunk in the past 30 days (x2=9.783, p=.049), sexual intercourse after drinking (x2=56.667, p<.001), and time of internet use on weekdays except for study (F=3.081, p=.027) were found as factors affecting use of contraception. Male adolescents not having been drunk in the past 30 days (OR=18.942), not drinking before sexual intercourse (OR=8.511), having received sex education in the past 12 months (OR=27.248), and having recent drug experience (OR=6.919) showed more frequent use of contraception. Understanding sexual behaviors of male adolescents is essential to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Development of effective strategies such as reducing alcohol use and increasing sex education are needed in the further study. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:267∼277)
Relationship between Self-disorder and Emotional Functioning in Schizophrenia Patients
Seon-Ah Yoon
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):279-288.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-disorder and emotional functioning in schizophrenia patients. For this purpose, self-related variables were categorized into 3 levels: body consciousness as the low level of the self construct, sense of self and reality as the middle level, and self-esteem as the high level. Emotion variables were also categorized into 3 levels, such as emotional experiences, emotional control and interpersonal emotion variables. Fifty nine schizophrenia patients participated in this study. They completed 4 self-related self-report scales and 8 emotion related scales. The result showed that body consciousness positively related to all of the negative emotions except positive affect and anger. Also, sense of self and reality had strong negative relationships with all of the negative emotional experience variables except for the positive affect variable. And self esteem showed a similar trend with the sense of self variables, but especially had a strong relationship with positive affect. Among emotional experiences variables, anxiety had the highest correlations with most of the self-related variables. While most of the self-related variables closely related to emotional experiences, especially to anxiety, regardless of self level, the self disorders did not strongly relate to the deficits of emotional control for mood management and interpersonal emotions for social functioning. These results may suggest that to improve the condition of schizophrenia patients with self disorder, emotional disturbances should be given therapeutic priority, because they together with negative emotion and emotional amplifier components deteriorate the self function of patients. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:279∼288)
Stress Management Approaches for People with Chronic Conditions in Korea: A Review
Kuem Sun Han*, Yun Kyung Yang*, Seung Hee Yang&#;, Seong-Hi Park&#;, Se Hee Jung*
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):289-302.   Published online December 31, 2012
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To analyze South Korean studies on stress intervention to improve nursing interventions. Two hundred eighty four articles written between 2005 and 2010 were identified and reviewed. The stress management literature was reviewed according to research design; theoretical background; title, subject, type, and duration of the interventions; outcome variables; stress management program on chronic illness; and results. The collective data indicate that stress management decreases psychosocial and physical problems of individuals with chronic conditions. For more effective nursing interventions, further studies utilizing meta-analysis are needed to analyze the effectiveness of stress intervention. It will be important to conduct qualitative studies on patients who were subject to different types of stress management. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:289∼302)
Association between Polymorphism of Oncostatin M Receptor and Obesity in Korean Population
Seung-Ae Yang
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):303-308.   Published online December 31, 2012
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Oncostatin M receptor (OSMR) is responsible of signal transduction of oncostatin M (OSM) that might have associations with cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, but few studies have examined this association in population. Our aim was to investigate that whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the OSMR gene were associated with obesity in a Korean population. We genotyped 16 SNPs of the OSMR gene in 206 overweight/obesesubjects and 152 control subjects using the Affymetrix Targeted Genotyping chip array. One SNP (rs7709749) revealed association with overweight/obese subjects (p=0.029, log-additivemodel; p=0.042, recessive model). Furthermore, we examined the association between haplotypes built from 16 SNPs and overweight/obesity. The TC haplotype in block 2 (rs2367704 and rs647194) was also associated with overweight/obese (p=0.041). Our results suggest that the OSMR gene may be a possible risk factor in obesity. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:303∼308)
The Stress, Coping Behavior and Health States of Elementary Students in Community Child Centers
Jeoung Weon Park, You Hee Jung
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):309-320.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of study was to identify stress, coping behavior and health problems of elementary students in community child centers. Data was collected from 252 elementary students in community child centers by using survey instruments, and was analyzed by t-test, one way ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient, stepwise multiple regression with SPSS/WIN program. The greatest stressor of participants was schoolwork, the most used coping behavior pattern was active coping and the largest problem of mental health was interpersonal sensitivity. Stress was correlated positively to coping behaviors of aggressive, inactive/avoidant and pursuit of social support. It was also correlated to subjective health states and mental health. The influencing factors to mental health are subjective health states, stress, aggressive, inactive/avoidant and active coping behaviors. Findings of this study suggests it is necessary to develop nursing intervention program including coping skills to promote mental health of elementary students. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:309∼320)
Treadmill Exercise Alleviates Short-Term Memory Impairment in Amyloid Beta-Induced Alzheimer's Disease Rats
Bo-Kyun Kim*, Mal-Soon Shin*, Su-Shin Lee*, Jae-Deung Kim*, Joonki Park&#;, Sam-Jun Lee&#;, Yun-Hee Sung&#;, Young-Pyo Kim&#;
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):321-329.   Published online December 31, 2012
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Alzheimer's disease is one of the most devastating neurodegenerative disorders, and this disease is characterized by severe memory impairment and decline of cognition. Physical exercise is known to promote cell survival and functional recovery after brain injuries. In the present study, we investigated the effects of treadmill exercise on short-term memory and apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus using Ղ-amyloid precursor-induced Alzheimer's disease rats. Female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 180±10 g (6 weeks old) were used in this experiment. The animals were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=10 in each group): the sham-operation group, the sham-operation and treadmill exercise group, the AՂ25-35-injection group, and the AՂ25-35-injection and treadmill exercise group. The rats model of Alzheimer's disease was induced by the intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of amyloid Ղ25-35 peptide using a stereotaxic instrument. The rats in the exercise group were forced to run on a treadmill for 30 min once daily, 5 times per week, for 4 consecutive weeks, starting at 2 days after ICV injection of AՂ25-35. The short-term memory in the step-down avoidance test was decreased by AՂ25-35 injection, whereas treadmill exercise alleviated short-term memory impairment induced by Alzheimer's disease. The apoptotic neuronal cell death in the hippocampal dentate gyrus was significantly increased by AՂ25-35 injection, in contrast, treadmill exercise suppressed apoptotic neuronal cell death induced by Alzheimer's disease. The present results show that treadmill exercise may provide therapeutic value for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease through suppressing apoptosis. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:321∼329)
The Experience of Mother Whose Son is Unmarried Addictive Gambler
Sung-Jae Kim*, Hyang-Sook Kang&#;, Heang-Ho Shin&#;, Joo-Young Lee&#;
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(4):331-345.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of the study was to deeply understand the experiences of mother of addicted gambler, and thus we are able to definitize how to provide practical and helpful intervention for them. The research participants consisted of the 9 mothers of unmarried men who has gambling addiction. The research data created by the in-depth interview between January and September, 2012. The analysis of the data was made Colaizzi's phenomenological analytic method. Five categories that emerged from themes cluster were; 1) blind faith in son with hiding her head in the sand, 2) becoming a target of criticism and suffering hardship together like one in body and soul, 3) feel guilty that everything is my fault, 4) getting tired of living gradually with continuous pain and hopelessness, 5) withstanding on the very last her strength with responsibility to take care of her son. Meaning of experience of them is that "Rolling together in mud flat of gambling, with embracing her son who is connected by umbilical cord not seen". (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:331∼345)